
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Bloggy Love

I won a fab giveaway for a Nuun bottle with Nuun from Caroline the other day. It took me forever to get it because my work post office likes to keep interesting packages and go through them, so I thought maybe I'd be healed up and ready to run by the time I got them. Unfortunately I'm still injured, so the Nuun is still untasted! And no, I've never actually tried Nuun before, so it will be a big surprise.
Thanks, Caroline! And I hope YOUR injury goes away soon and that it isn't the same thing I have  :(

And speaking of blogs...
Melissa gave me the Beautiful Blogger award, reserved for only the most beautiful amongst us. Haha.
So beautiful. 

I'm supposed to tell you seven random things about me, but I'm running out of meaningfully random things, so instead you get seven random tidbits from this week.
1. The druggies have been out in force this week, I don't know why. I had to notify the DEA about four people just on Friday! One of them was attempting to create a fake identity to fill a prescription under, since in Louisiana we track all controlled substance fills.  But since you have to show a government ID I busted her.
2. I had another business trip this week, and it was with my boss and another coworker and his boss. It's stressful to travel with your boss.
3. While on said business trip the other  employee, no names mentioned, had 19 drinks in the course of the evening - all dirty martinis except for two cucumber margaritas - plus a shot of tequila. I was floored. I have never seen so much alcohol imbibed at one time. I should add that it was his birthday.
4. On the return flight, I ran into a couple from my running club. They were returning from a checkup at MD Anderson. I was shocked to hear this because I didn't even realize the husband had cancer. Actually, he had a stem cell transplant right about the same time I started running with the group, so I didn't know. And he ran through the entire recovery period! He paced his wife to a 3:50 marathon this spring - her goal was to break 4 hours.
5. While watching the Olympics I made a sweater for a friend's new baby. Now I'm working on some embroidery.
6. I started taking fish oil - and I never take any supplements! - in hopes that it will help with my adductor tendon issues.
7. I accidentally bought something called a "slimcado", a reduced-fat avocado. It was unpleasant. Apparently it's the fat that gives avocados their delicious creaminess. This fruit was hard, watery, and slightly sweet - almost similar to a cucumber or honeydew melon. Not at all satisfying.

I should be passing this one on, but as usual I'm so late getting around to anything that I think it's made its rounds if you would like to participate, help yourself, all you have to do is prove that you really are a beautiful blogger by producing a picture at least as hot as mine above.


  1. You are beautiful! You looked stunning on your anniversary and I'd say about 1% of running photos are attractive, lol! BTW...19 drinks!?!? Damnn....they should be going to a trip to another type of place! ;) Hope you're having a great weekend!

  2. I eat the avocado BECAUSE it's a good source of healthy fats. Why the hell would they wanna screw that up? That makes about as much sense as nonalcoholic beer.

  3. I did some knitting while watching the Olympics, too! I made an infinity scarf.

    Whoa - 19 drinks? In one night? And strong ones. Wow. I have seen co-worker drink about 10-15 beers in a night, which is still alot, butis WAY different/less extreme than martinis/shots/etc... Wow. Just wow. how is he still alive?

  4. haha! I love the pic you chose to represent your beauty. I've been a longtime reader of your blog, though, and happen to know it was actually a much-deserved award. :)

    I can't get over the 19 drinks. That just makes my head hurt.

  5. I love avocados and those slimcados are the nastiest waste of space ever!!

  6. slimcado?? I have never even heard of that. And now I know to avoid one. Yuck.

  7. slimacado...sounds gnarly...19 drinks - holy cow!

  8. That avocado sounds gross! You are right; it's the fat that makes it so good! Also, 19 martinis!!? I am pretty darn tipsy after 2 of those!

  9. If by chance you are taking the Fish Oil for any anti-inflammatory properties you may want to also check out Tart Cherry Extract (comes in pill form too). A great natural anti-inflammatory. Whole Foods carries it.

  10. i haven't tried nuun either yet. let me know when you take cod liver oil from a bottle! mmmm. i did that for awhile to see if it'd help my skin. it did not. and it actually didn't taste bad (but still, the idea of it... blech). hope the fish oil stuff helps.

    i'm leary of the combined name stuff at the grocery store where they modify a food (such as the slimcado) or cross fruits like a "pluot" (plum/apricot).

  11. Ew, the slimcado sounds awful, and half the reason I eat avocado is to get good fat. Double fail on the substitute.

  12. I am glad you did get it
    I dont know what happened but I am not getting your posts in my reader...
    so I missed that and all the others after I think!
