
Friday, June 29, 2012

What the heck is wrong with us.

Hey Sensa.
Why on earth would I want to look like this?
Lower backs are so overrated.

And why are you tantalizingly dangling the "easiest diet on earth" lure?

I have several things to say about this.
The first is just a pet peeve. Dieting never gave anyone muscles, so quit selling diets by showing muscles. That's just silly.
The second should be the pet peeve of the nation. Newsflash! Dieting isn't easy! Getting fat is easy! All you have to do is eat more calories than you burn! And that, my friends, is supremely easy to do in our culture. If your diet is "easy", then it won't work or it won't last.
And the third thing I have to say is that whoever edited that photograph should be tied up with their own mouse cord and hit over the head with a keyboard.


  1. Not only is that a terrible photoshop job and a terrible misrepresentation of a body, but it's also a sorry excuse to sell a diet pill. Totally agree that its a lousy ad, Sensa.

  2. Looks to me like she needs a 'sammich', not a box of diet nonsense.

  3. That photo is ridiculous, lol. No way anyone looks like that! And I can attest, since I've been injured and haven't been running as much, I've put on a few extra pounds. I'm now trying to get my weight back under control, and now being able to run more has helped. I guess I'm not talking about a lot of weight here - maybe 5 lbs.

  4. Oh my... how horribly disgusting on so many levels.

  5. Bleck. bleck to the picture and bleck to the message that is constantly being sent that skinny=healthy=beautiful and that getting skinny=easy if you buy the right pill/DVD/diet. I know so many people trying to lose weight and give up in a few weeks when it isn't easy. I always tell them it isn't easy and it isn't supposed to be and that the quick fixes and fads don't lead to lasting changes or results. I think if more people knew it wouldn't be easy going in, they wouldn't give up so fast. Bleck bleck bleck

  6. Oh Good Lord...I agree with you on every level. This is utterly ridiculous. But what else can you expect from a product as ridiculous as Sensa. But the sad truth is people are stupid enough to buy it.

  7. Yes! Yes! Yes! Plus, that stuff can;t be healthy. It's processed and full o chemicals. Boo!

  8. I agree! That ad is absurd! But most diet ads are. Awful photoshopping job. These ads always frustrate me because they are so ridiculous, but the sad thing is, people are so desperate to believe them that they actually spend $$$ on these products. And lots of money at that! Eat less, move more.

  9. What a horrible photoshop job! When I first saw it my first instinct was to straighten my back. Just looking at that ad is painful.

  10. Hey Grace, in future when posting photos of models on your blog it would be appreciated by this reader if you stuck to something similar to "Getting fat and getting muscle" on 15th June 2012. (I read that blog a few times). This model looks deformed, although to be fair to her I'm sure that wasn't the case before the photoshopping.

    1. Oh why THANK YOU but that wasn't a model, that was just me!
      Oh. You meant the VS model. Oh well, one can pretend.

  11. Hey Grace...I think you can post whatever you want on YOUR blog.

    I agree with you 100%

  12. Yea, it's pretty obvious that Flanagan is America's best overall womens runner. The fact that she won the trials marathon, and likely could have won the 10K (I think at the end she sort of let Hastings win it). And I bet she could make the team in the 5K too - I believe she won a bronze in Beijing in the 5K. I love watching her run - she makes it look so easy. Same with Davila though - and with Davila she looks like the rest of us - wearing shorts on runs, lol. I think both Flanagan and Davila have a good shot at both getting medals in London.

    Yea, my high school was built in 1969, but they seem to keep it up really well - lots of improvements were done recently it seems like. My school is a public school, but its something like the #3 or #4 best school in CA based on academic achievement or something. Which is why I thought high school was almost harder than college at times. I was very fortunate to go there. And I'll say that you seem really smart and creative to me, which is why I'm shocked that you said that you were a homeschool dropout. Honestly just based on reading your blog I think you are smarter than I am.

    1. Ha, how sweet, nope, never finished high school. But I did get a pharm D later. The strange thing is that my first graduation ever was with a doctorate!

  13. They forgot to photoshop her thighs though. Or maybe they just look big compared to her completely natural-looking torso.

  14. Wow... that is so photoshopped and disgusting, it's ridiculous! eww

    p.s. funny post, made me chuckle! thanks for the laugh! :)
