
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Warning: gross picture

My knee's not getting much better, especially the swelling. Can't bend it again. Is it infected or just very full of fluid?
If I actually had a doctor I'd call him.


  1. Gracie!! That looks awful. I would go to a doc or a walk in clinic or something....and not being able to bend is bad... Ugh. So sorry!! Take care of yourself!!

  2. That looks really serious. You have to see a doctor. You can't have it getting septic and then spreading into your blood stream.

  3. That looks gross. Although it is probably just a combination of your injury and subsequent time on your feet in the heat (since you are technically supposed to use the RICE principle for the first 48-72 hours after a contusion and you obviously didn't), you should still probably go get it checked out.

  4. That looks horrible! Get to the doctor, lady!

  5. Yikes! Doesn't look good but I guess a difficult marathon in the heat on top of that fall could do that. Hope it starts getting better in a day or two!

  6. I think this warrants at trip to the ER!

  7. umm. i'm assuming you've already tried dumping a bottle of hydrogen peroxide on it? that's all i have...

  8. Ouch! That looks super tender. I can't believe you were able to run Boston on it. You are a B.A.!

  9. That's infected! Get that checked out! Fast!!!'

  10. does not look good
    I hope it is better by now
