
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Marathon recovery week

Turns out that after RnR New Orleans I had more sore ego than sore muscles. In fact, I felt remarkably good last week. I had mild soreness for a few hours Sunday and Monday, and no other aches and pains at all. As you can see, even my toenails are in fantastic shape!
I'm lying, of course. I cleverly painted them with a dark red to mask the two black ones. 
Miles: I ran about 30 miles total last week, mostly very easy moderate length runs.
Time off: I took one day without any exercise and one day of just the gym, no running.
Speed: I did speedwork Monday night after the race Sunday, but it was just 3 sets of 4 loops on the track of alternating 200 m hard, 200 m easy with some rest between.

I felt very fresh all week, and this I credit to a new recovery technique:
I went running Sunday night after the marathon. 
About 6 pm, 8 hours after finishing the race, I ran 3 very easy miles with my husband. I felt very stiff for the first couple of minutes, then I loosened up. By the end of the first mile I felt fine, just a little tired. When I got home, I felt a thousand times better than I had a few hours before, and the next day I caught myself jogging up 6 flights of stairs in the parking garage without even noticing.

So that little trick really worked for me. I will definitely be repeating it when can in the future.
What's your race recovery trick?


  1. Interesting recovery tip! I usually hit the couch & don't move a muscle until I absolutely have to, but perhaps that's not the best idea. ;-) And, I'm with you on the dark polish - I'm currently rocking a violet color, to mask the three toe nails that are purple & gnarly.

  2. I got stuck in a car for 3 hours after NOLA... and was SORE. Normally I like to do some light exercise - walking, stationary bike, gentle yoga. I usually don't run until a day or two after a long race - just to give my toenails time to recover - but I do keep moving. Staying still makes me WAY more sore.

  3. You crazy. Oh, we've determined that already ;) I do think active recovery helps the most though, just as long as you're not injured / anything hurts of course. You have a bionic body, clearly, and can run a marathon after a marathon.

    Belated thanks on your investigative work! Though I do wish you're findings were more budget friendly... Lol. Oh, and I got a call from Walgreens tulane telling me my prescription was not yet ready for pickup. I assumed it thought you were trying to fill it.

  4. I took an ice bath Sunday afternoon as soon as we got home from my marathon. I was much less sore after this one than my marathon in January. (My right knee is bothering me a little right now though but I am pretty sure all the crazy hills along the course are to blame for that part.) I need to try your jogging it out method one of these days... I'm just such a lazy wimp post marathon!

  5. I'm so with you on this technique. Really flushes the legs out. Same reason I always run around 7 miles the day after a really long run. Then I take my day off.

    Glad you are feeling recovered!

  6. Wow! I have never tried that for recovery. Maybe next time I'll try that, although I very honestly don't get sore anymore unless it's a super tough course or longer than 26.2 miles.

  7. Lately after my long runs I've been hopping on the bike trainer at home for 20 min to spin out the soreness and that has really helped a lot. Oh and the foam roller - hurts so good.
