
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I got my Boston bib number!

It's 5846. That puts me in wave one, corral 6. I don't much care about the number, but I really care about the wave. I have only run early morning marathons, so I didn't want to be in a back wave starting really late. I don't know how that might throw me off!
The race already starts really late - 10:00 am - and I don't need that pushed back any later.
Important card I will promptly lose.
Yep, I updated my qualifying time. I registered with a 3:27, but in my concern for early wave start I sent in the 3:09 I ran in January. 

I'm kidding, of course. Really I care because the bibs are different colors and I want a red bib.


  1. Can't blame you! Nice number--this wave two runner is jealous!

  2. The lower the number the faster.... Your number means that you are smokin FAST!!

    I know what you mean about starting waves/ corrals. It definitely makes a difference! I am SO excited for you!! I can't wait until I get my bib number and all that good stuff. I still have one more year to go but it's a lot better than last year when I had two... :-)

    Good luck!!

  3. Woohoo! Boston is right around the corner. How are you feeling on the burn out? Are things coming together with work? Hope all is going well on that end!

  4. Wow, I did not realize the race started so late. How exciting to get your race number!

  5. Have a great time! I am curious if you will end up liking the whole Boston experience - because it seems like it is people galore and utter craziness. Hope you enjoy the experience!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Awesome qualifying time...and I would've done the same thing by submitting the better time!! I am enjoying reading about your super fast marathons and hoping to learn from you along the way. I can't wait to hear how you do at Boston. Thanks for checking out my blog too!

  8. Are you going to break 3:05 for Boston or what?! Do it. DO IT. Let all the cheerleaders push you.
