
Monday, February 27, 2012


I'm talking to you, weather! Please hold for Sunday's RnR New Orleans marathon!
Weather like this in March is kind of rare: humidity only in the 60's and a beautiful, calm, sunny day with a high of 61!
This is ideal running weather, especially considering that we have hit the 80's just last week and that Thursday and Friday are supposed to be hot and stormy. I'm praying the weather holds this week: I already feel sick with this annoying sinus infection; humidity would just compound the misery.
If we have good weather, and if I turn the corner, maybe just maybe...I can go for another PR! Here's to hoping!


  1. Fingers crossed for you. I always obsess over the weather marathon week!

  2. I really hope the weather holds for you guys! The weather in Louisiana has been so crazy one day, cold the next. Good luck and hope you have a great race!

  3. Fingers crossed the weather stays like that for you! That is awesome weather for March! We have had great weather, too, but a snow storm is moving in tomorrow... :(

  4. Fingers crossed! I think I run about twice as slow when it's hot and humid. 50s and 60s are so much better! I have a race this weekend; the forecast is lows in the 30s, highs in the 60s.

  5. No kidding!
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weather will stay cool and dry. I'll run in the rain if I have to, but I'd prefer not to have to! ;)
