
Friday, December 30, 2011

The year in review...from Miss Zippy

Miss Zippy started this...the runner's 2011 in review!
It's generally good to finish a race smiling.
I even have this color
  • Best race experience? RnR New Orleans - I enjoyed the race and felt great the whole time. Not my current PR, but best in my book!
  • Best run? I had a really good negative-split 18 miler this fall - felt strong and fast. My goal was a 3:20 marathon and I realized at the end of the run that I hit exactly the right pace without even pushing. 
  • Best new piece of gear? I got Saucony Kinvaras this year and really like them.
  • Best piece of running advice you received? Incorporate speedwork....I think it is helping!
  • Most inspirational runner? My hubby...running a PR half marathon after only one ten mile training run! Crazy man! 
  • If you could sum up your year in a couple of words, what would they be? Working hard. 


  1. Working hard is good - Happy New Year!


    You are such an accomplished have some great natural talent and it seems like you train very smart. Recipe for success!

  3. I can't wait to meet you! What a beautiful picture of you...smiling at the end of a race. :) Wow, your bro took you on quite a run today. Talk about natural talent. My money is on you girl! Can't wait to see you continue to unfold. You're awesome!
