
Monday, August 15, 2011

NOTC anniversary race report: It WAS a disaster!

See the guy with white hair? He rocks. This is the only time I've ever beaten him.

I knew my gray jog bra would be bad luck.
I chose to run to City Park to the start of this race, since it was just a 3-miler, thinking this would give me 13 for the day (I ended up taking a short cut at the last minute which knocked a whole mile off. Did you know that Orleans Ave meets Marconi Dr?! Midcity's angled streets have me permanently confused).
Well, it was a blistering hot day, and the race didn't start until 7:45. The sun was up and the temps steamy by the time I arrived to pick up my number. I regularly run in just a jog bra, but I don't like to race that way so I was wearing a shirt - the extra layer plus the lack of water on my four mile run in combined to leave me uncomfortably overheated by the time I arrived. I drank water sparingly, not wanting to cramp during the race, and steamed under a tree waiting for the delayed start (now 8 am). The race was short, hot, and challenging. I felt very tired and warm and only dragged my butt to the finish. Cute surprise, the hubby came out to see me finish, which worked out perfectly because I gave him my race T-shirt to bring home. It's a nice shirt: technical T, and good looking too:
Front has a nice logo...

Back has nothing! No sponsors! Oddly appealing!

I realized after I finished that I was 4th female, which means everyone struggled, but I cold have kicked myself: the third finisher was just seconds ahead of me and I could have kicked past her but didn't; based on my time I didn't think I was even in the top ten women. Oh well. I will have to start cranking this up a notch come Fall. I've gotten too lazy in my running!
As far as the race goes, it was standard NOTC stuff, which means fun and flat, but the anniversaries are special because the shirts are nice and the entry fee is cheap ($15 for members). I didn't stay for the after party - I ran home, which felt completely awful - but it looked like fun.
Summary: I am crap at short distances and only blue jog bras are appropriate for races. 


  1. I like the shirt! Something I would probably wear on the weekend. Congrats on 4th place!

  2. I'm with you! I ran a 5k Saturday night and the heat was brutal! And yes, after my 5k in September, I think I have sworn off short races for a while, they are just too fast and quick for me these days! Great job though and way to get some good mileage in the August heat. I am so ready for some cool weather.

  3. Ha! I think I remember that gray haired guy!? Does "Jesus" still come in first all the time? Do you know who I am talking about? Him or Minihan used to always be in the top.

    Anyway, you are a star, running in this weather!

    But next time, wear the blue bra!

  4. Kyria, it's always Brendan Minihan or Matthew Manning most races...but "Jesus" usually places in his age group. This guy from Lafayette, Kevin Castille, will come down for the big races and beat all of us, too. He tried for Olympic qualifying time in the RnR Mardi Gras marathon this year but had a bad race and missed it.
