
Monday, August 1, 2011

Date night, Anniversary-style

This week David and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary, or so I told everyone. Really it was our fourth. I told you I'm no good at math.
On our wedding day we had dinner at Emeril's NOLA restaurant (we had a morning wedding and knew we'd be hungry after an early brunch) and we make it a habit to return there each anniversary, just to confuse the waiters. They read notes in their "client files" about a wedding on July 28th and think it's our wedding every time we come in (my brother was a waiter there when we got married and made extensive notes to make sure we had exquisite service).
For the second time in our four years of visits, we got prime parking. If you've ever been to the French Quarter you know what a bear parking is. Please observe this dark image from the interior of our vehicle. Note the restaurant sign right across the street! The trick is that the "No parking loading zone" signs across the street say "From 8 am to 6 pm" in tiny print underneath. Score!

I wore a very unflattering little black dress I bought on Ebay for $1 (free shipping) several years ago. I have altered it twice and it stills fits oddly. Basically if I cut off my boobs everything would be in the right place, but then none of my other clothes would fit, so that would be a dumb move.

Yes, we keep a football on our bookshelf.
Of course the food was delicious. It always is. And since the portions were large I took the rest of mine to work later. Yummy!
We don't normally do gifts for our anniversaries, but David surprised me with gold earrings. Back in December I mentioned that I wanted real gold hoops - they are so practical and it's just not worth it to buy plated jewelry, it ages so fast. David went out and bought them and has been saving them since January for an occasion! But it does make me feel a little like a kept woman. I'd be more comfortable if he'd holler at me to put dinner on the table and iron his shirts or something. 

If you're attached, how do you celebrate anniversaries? 
And would you rather...
Get a gift for an occasion (like a birthday)
Celebrate by going out to dinner, a concert, or another event?


  1. Each year on our anniversary we say "I can't believe it has been 7 years." That's it. No gifts. Maybe dinner out but nothing too fancy.

  2. We are poor right now because my husband is in law school, but last year we did go to New Orleans from BR and spend the night in a hotel, went to the WWII Museum, and ate out several times (Mother's and Pierre Masperos are the ones I remember). This year (actually in 2 weeks), we will probably just go out to eat at a nice place. I like to do little trips, but unless my husband starts making big bucks after he graduates, it won't happen ever year.

  3. I'd rather go on a trip than get anything. I'm not big on jewelry and I don't want more "stuff"! Plus, now that finances are combined I feel like gifts are pointless cause you're essentially paying for it yourself. That may be a little negative of a viewpoint huh? Anyway, still cute that he got you something you wanted/will use and managed to save it all these months! When I buy a gift I can't wait to gift it!

    Happy Anniversary!

  4. What a nice way to celebrate! I prefer to skip gifts, and do something together--weekend away, concert, etc. Then we have a great memory!

  5. Happy Anniversary! I am happily single, but if I was in a relationship, I would cook dinner in or walk to a local restaurant to celebrate an anniversary!

  6. Happy Anniversary! NOLA is amazing and one of my favorite restaurants in NO. Sounds like you had a wonderful evening out and congrats on the awesome gift - love new earrings! xoxo from Trinidad
    If you feel like getting a truth out today - hop on over to my blog

  7. happy anniversary, chica! you two look marvelous!!

    and really, how can you go wrong in this city when it comes to food?? :)


  8. Happy Anniversary! Sorry I am late!
    We usually go somewhere to celebrate instead of give gifts. We don't usually do gifts for Christmas or other gift-giving holidays.

  9. Happy (belated!) anniversary! Gifts are nice but I'd much rather go somewhere/do something for an anniversary, which is kind of what we tend to do.
