
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rivershack Run 2-mile

Well, I'm officially a bad blogger. This weekend I had my brother over from Pennsylvania (sleeping on my couch) and my the rest of my local family over for brunch, and I ran a fun race - and I have zero photos to show for it. I'm a wretch. I'm sorry.
But I snapped a belated picture of this:

The race I ran was the Rivershack 2-mile race, and these were the awards - trivets! Cute idea. Randomly, my brother (who was in town for a wedding) and a friend had had a lively debate all day about what exactly a trivet was (after discussing wedding gifts) and I was able to put their minds at ease by showing them mine. Yeah, I said it was random.
Anywho, Saturday morning I ran close to eleven miles at a pretty fast pace (for me, grain of salt here please) - 7:34s. Then that night we decided to run to the start of the race, since it was only 3.5 miles. So when I arrived at the race my legs weren't exactly fresh. Good thing it was just 2 miles!
It was raining for the race and actually it had rained all day. This cooled things down a little, but still didn't help my pace. I simply can't wrap my head around short distances. The race was fine, I kept a pretty even pace, I only slipped once (wet grass up the side of the levee!), my legs only felt mildly wobbly, and I finished 8th overall. But you know, I finished with too much left in the tank. For once I just want to run a short race and finish exhausted, spent, gasping for breath. I know these short distances are not my "thing" but I am annoyed that I under-perform in them!
I ended up with a 13:30 and a 2nd place age group finish, which earned me a trivet. I would show you a lovely race photo of me with the other female winners, everyone smiling in the camera but me (I don't know what I'm looking at, but it's over my right shoulder), except Facebook doesn't let you copy photos anymore. Losers.
After the race, there was pizza, red beans, beer, live music and fireworks! What! Pretty sweet for a 2-miler! Luckily for me, we ran into some friends at the after party and they offered us a ride back. I wouldn't have minded running back home but running with a trivet sounds pretty awkward.
Photos you may have liked to see:
- Group family photo
- Fireworks after the race
- Action race shot, courtesy of the hubby
- Picture of my glamorous brunch menu
Pictures you don't care about that I actually took:
- A trivet
Sorry guys.


  1. It might depend on the album settings (Set by the person who published the album), but in most cases you can still download photos from Facebook. When it's in the slideshow mode or whatever(with the black screen in the background), look to the bottom left of the picture, and there should be an option to "download."

    I have had plans to do some 2-mile races this summer, but I have never ended up doing them because just the sound of them hurts! Congrats on placing!

  2. I happen to like the pic of the trivet. I would also have liked one of your brother on your couch drooling.

  3. Impressive race considering the 7:34 long run and warm up to the actual race... Imagine if you'd been a little less worn out! :)

    And I like seeing race awards that aren't cheesy plastic trophies for a change!

  4. Haha. At least it's a cool trivet? I wish I could give you advice for how to finish "short of breath," but I seem to be able to do that with no effort, regardless of the distance.

  5. Dude, 7:34 is fast! My mile is more like a 9:34!! You've got me beat by

    I love races in NOLA -- beer afterward is great. I don't love the heat though!

  6. I am still amazed that you are able to run 11 miles at a 7:34 pace in this heat, you are a rock star! I agree though, 2 mile races are hard to pace. I am going to try a 2 miler tomorrow night so this should be interesting!

  7. Great job on the 2-miler! That's a crazy pace, in my book!
    Even after your picture, I don't know what a trivet is. Heading to google it now....

  8. I hate finishing with too much in the tank too. I have been wearing my heart monitor when I run with my Garmin and I think I am going to start monitoring my heart rate more for races. I always look and my mph and pace. I have noticed that I have gotten stronger with my runs and my heart rate has decreased for distances when compared to what I have done previously. I tried it out at track practice last night and I noticed my heart rate was 160s so I pushed it up a notch to 180s+. I ran faster than what I would have done at those bpms for a previous run. It might be a fluke but I am going to start trying it that way. I am not sure if I made much sense with that! LOL! Do you use a heart monitor?

  9. Nice work! A 2 miler would be a tough race. I always think 5Ks are tough because they are basically a long hard sprint. I'd definitely want to do a few miles to warm up just to say I'd run more than two miles at once. I'm weird/obsessive that way.

  10. Hooray! Congrats!! I don't know what a trivet is!!! :)

    Seriously, nice work out there.
