
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Confession time! I can't swim!

As I wait for my leg to heal (Are you listening, bone? Get it together, literally!), many people have recommended that I swim to stay in cardio shape. That's a great idea, except I'd drown. I can't swim. At all. Not even doggie paddle. I can't even float.
In fact today I'm going to the gym to RUN in the water because I'm so lame, and I'm scared I might drown. Also I don't own a bathing suit*, so this is my poolside style today (I know, you can't believe I'd wear something so scandalous in a public pool...I'm crazy like that!).
Um, fashion bloggers? How on earth do you take mirror pictures of yourself? This was absurdly hard and I still cut off my head.

The odd thing about my inability to swim is that my father is an accomplished swimmer and was actually a Coast Guard scuba diver. And all the rest of the family swims if they just see a puddle. I took lessons three times and did nothing but sink like a rock!
So if you never hear from me again it means I drowned trying to get out of the pool. I'm a safety risk.

*Well, I have some bikinis, but they probably aren't made for vigorous water running.


  1. ok. this is serious. you may not think it is but it is. i'll be happy to teach you to swim. YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO SWIM!! but really, you can start off by buying a small swimming float. you put it under your chest and lay on top of it. just get kicking down. do that over and over again until you feel comfortable (while holding on to the sides) go the length of the pool and back. when you've mastered that, start using your arms, still keeping the floater under you.
    now you have me all worried. :(

  2. I only learned how to swim a little through adult swim lessons a couple of years ago. I'm by no means good at it, but I don't dread being invited to pool parties anymore.

  3. If you want a good but cheapo swimsuit you can go to and got the grab bag speedo one piece. It's really cheap and the only issue is that you may end up with an ugly print. But as long as it's just your workout swimsuit, who cares?

  4. Ditto. I vow to someday learn how to swim. I just need to get over my embarrassment for being an adult who does not know how to swim and fear of drowning. Good luck.

  5. Considering your snarky comment on my Blog, I probably shouldn't be nice to you, but nice legs.

    I am horrible at swimming, but can. Obviously, you should take a series of lessons so they can teach you nice & fast form.

  6. Hope the water running went well! I used to be a lifeguard and a swim instructor and I was on the swim team in high school. Swimming holds a special place in my heart BUT I don't do it nearly often enough since I don't have a membership at the pool!

  7. I hope your leg feels better soon! It takes a lot of courage to admit that you can't swim. I'm with termite - I'd definitely look into swim lessons. I bet it will be extremely therapeutic to take the lessons and learn how to swim, because it will ease any fears that you have about water. I bet you will get a ton of self confidence and joy from learning how to swim.

    Honestly if I couldn't swim I might be afraid of even going into a pool that I could stand in, for fear of something happening while I was in there. I guess if the whole pool is 4 feet deep, then you are okay - but if sections are 7 feet deep or more, then I would be careful.

    I've been lap swimming at the pool more recently because of my injury, and it is a great cardio workout - it gets my heartrate up just as much as running does, and its non impact. I've even thought about taking a swimming class to improve my swimming technique, because I am definitely one of the slower swimmers out there.

    I guess also for me, is that if I ever saw someone drowning in a lake or pool I'd like to at least have the ability to save them, even if I don't end up going in the water. (I've never ran into this situation, but you never know).

  8. Now wait a second... you have a body like that, and you don't have a bathing suit! Shame!!!! If I looked like you, I'd have like 50 swimsuits and just flaunt myself around the public swimming pool! ;D I am actually the same way. I suck at swimming. So I'm paying my friend who is a swim coach to teach me this summer.

  9. I hope that running in the water went well fo ryou. That is too bad that you don't know how to swim! I learned at a very young age and I have this really weird ability to float. Like when I was wuper hot on Tues when it was over 100 degree here, thought - I bet I could sleep in the pool. Without a flotation device. My mom jokes that my bones must be hollow or something. ;)

  10. I can swim... just not very efficiently. I get out of breath within 1/2 a lap. As for attire - I'd suggest bikini bottoms with sports bra top? That's the classiness I'd pull anyway. :)

  11. When you first posted about your injury I thought swimming. Water running is supposed to be excellent for you. I do hope that you are able to recover quickly!!!!

  12. I hope the aqua jogging is going well! Photo taking in the mirror is tough stuff. When I take outfit photos I probably have to take about 20 or so to get one that will look good. It's just the nature of not being able to use a flash and having to keep the camera steady and get your whole self in the photo.

  13. Ha, I can't swim either. I am thus relegated to duathlons and other non-water-based endurance events. I have a tri sticker on my car but I cut off the swimmer and just left the biker and runner.
