
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sick and symptoms!

I have nothing cute and clever to say today. Maybe tomorrow I'll have energy to write. I've actually been feeling rather poorly and Monday/Tuesday were high drama over here (including sad goodbyes, parades, and eroded pipes) to be elaborated on further at a future date. For now I am trying to decide whether to try to hunt down a doctor or not.
For the last week my muscles have felt very weak and sore despite only minimal exercise (and no strength training and nothing new). Then just recently I have had flank pain, lethargy, nausea, low-grade fever, itching, and dermatological effects (petechae, rashes, eczema). I know it sounds absurd but I suspect myositis or myopathy for some reason, with resulting stress to my kidneys.
I do not take any medications and I have not been sick recently, but I do have a history of thyroid disease. That's really the only cause I can think of! I know I have to go to work tomorrow because I couldn't get coverage on such short notice, but if I do not start feeling better I will call my doctor. Unfortunately the last time I called her (years ago) it took over six weeks to get an appointment, so I don't have high hopes. Maybe my symptoms resolve without treatment!
In good news today, I got THREE packages in the mail, a pair of Banana Republic pants I bought on Ebay (the discontinued Ryan style, my favorite! I snap up every pair I see on Ebay!), a huge box of canning jars (I want to preserve some of the citrus while it is on sale at low winter prices), and one of the pairs of running shorts I bought on sale. They will be replacing running shorts I bought when I was sixteen years old and simply have to throw out because the elastic is so dead that they don't stay up. They've definitely done their duty, though!
How long do your workout clothes usually last? Besides these shorts, I also had some "Everlast" jog bras that I had for eight years!


  1. Crap hope you feel better soon. My workout clothes last forever except for the whtie sport's bras that get yellow stains in the pits.

  2. Hi! I am a new follower and I am from Lafourche Parish. I had to laugh out loud when I read about your running shorts. Last night I ran in my P.E. shorts from Raceland Junior High School and they kept slipping due to the over-stretched elastic. I am having a hard time parting with them but their days are done! I am hoping to get some new running shorts soon! I saw the Nike short sale but I couldn't decide on colors. I guess you snooze you loose!

  3. Oh my gosh, 6 weeks to get an appt? Sheesh, that is terrible! I hoep you start to feel better soon...

    My work out shorts last for years. Tops tend to last 2-3 years, but i get inexpensive ones at Target so I don't mind throwing them out every couple years.

  4. i still wear sports bras from high school. i'm glad i'm not the only one! haha. sounds like we have the same "frugal" mindset about things. not to mention i deal with eczema regularly (aka for 3 years b/c no one can figure out how to make this current 'flare up' stop).

    i need new pants... i honestly haven't tried on dress pants since express had the Editor line. do they still have that? i hate to shop, hate trying on pants even more...

    hope you feel better!
