
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dear promotion: hurry up.

I got a promotion at work - one that has been in the works for a year and a half! - and I will be leaving my current position at the end of the month. After a few weeks of training I will be managing my own pharmacy, a brand-spanking-new clinical facility that will actually be inside a local teaching hospital. It's the first pharmacy of its kind in the state and only the second in the region (the other is in Pensacola, Fl). I'm excited!
My coworkers aren't exactly making it hard to leave. Since I delivered the news at least one tech has called in every day, and today TWO called in, leaving us dangerously short handed. On top of this our store has been regularly meeting or exceeding the volume of our closest 24-hour stores (think about it - same number of prescriptions filled in 8 fewer hours per day!), and of course we have a tough clientele. Our proximity to an emergency room (next door) and our high percentage of patients without transportation means that most people want to wait, which rushes us.
Sadly, we also have a ridiculous number of opioid abusers at our store, and we get requests to fill controlled substances early about 100 times a day. I am SO sick of playing police.
Today I should have been able to leave early to make up for the extra hour we work on weekends, but instead I ended up staying late. Very annoying.
I can't wait for the insanity to end! The new job should bring lots of opportunities, but I'm also happy that I'll have regular 9 to 5 hours. That is incredibly unusual for a pharmacist and I feel privileged. The best part of that is no more 6:30 am work days! Today was my last one!


  1. Congrats! That's a big accomplishment. And it sounds like you'll be much happier too. Fantastic!

  2. Congrats! Sounds pretty awesome.

  3. YAY! So excited for you. Sounds like your new job will make a work-life balance easier too. Now if it would just hurry up and get here right ;)

  4. YAHOO!! YIPPIE!! I am doing cartwheels for you!! OMG, you might be able to...gasp...sit down at least once during the day!! Or maybe have a lunch?(Curious where you work -- WAG?)

  5. Your new job sounds awesome! Your current job sounds like hell... here's hoping your final days go by quickly!

  6. So excited for the new job - and I can only imagine how excited you are! Hang in there for a few more weeks!

  7. Congrats on the new job! I linked your blog in my blog post since you recommended me to go to Varsity Sports this weekend. I am completely satisfied and love my new running shoes! Thanks!

  8. This is very exciting! I am always a little jealous people with exciting/fun/enjoyable work-stuff. Mine is such a drag! No more 6:30 for work... You can do your workouts then instead ;)

  9. Great news! Hopefully the actual move will come about much faster. Definitely sounds like a positive step.

  10. Ooooh, which teaching hospital? Maybe I will be seeing you as I matched at Tulane for Med-Peds and will be spending 4 more years in the teaching hospitals of NOLA.

  11. Oh yay! I'll be at Tulane so I will see you! I didn't know you matched here, that's exciting!

  12. Congrats on the promotion! That is so exciting. And a normal work schedule will be a great change I'm sure.

  13. Congrats on the promotion sounds like a great opportunity! A new clinical pharmacy is AWESOME! I found your blog through your comment on Adam's blog. I am currently in my 2nd year of pharmacy school so I'm interested to hear how the new job goes :)

  14. I know exactly what you mean - BUT either way, congrats!! :)
