
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Birthday to David!

Since David's birthday is tomorrow, I decided to make him a cake to bring to our young couples Bible study tonight. This is probably his last time with us since after his birthday he will no longer fit the description of "young".
I decided to make John Besh's Père Roux cake. Doesn't is look delicious? I altered the recipe slightly, using sour cream instead of shortening in the cake and omitting 1/4 cup sugar; I also left out an entire stick of butter from both the filling and the frosting. I mean, I want to indulge, but I don't want to feel like death after eating a slice. Plus butter is expensive. I can't be throwing sticks into mixing bowls with reckless abandon.
I'll be sampling the cake tonight, but I made the components yesterday and have eaten a quantity of filling already and it's like Bananas Foster on the tip of a spoon!


  1. I've never heard of this cake but with those ingredients you can't go wrong, especially the icing. Happy BD to David!!

  2. The cake sounds fabulous!!! Happy Birthday to David!!! Award for you on my blog :)
