
Friday, January 14, 2011

Fantastic day!!!

Today I randomly took a vacation day. Until this past autumn, I had never ever even used a vacation day thanks to my strenuous work(s) schedule. But when I got an email saying that there were days still available in January, I took one. Work has been very, very stressful lately and I needed a break. I decided I'm going to start taking days once in awhile, even if I burn through my vacation, because I can always take days off without pay. It's worth it to keep my sanity.
So far, today is turning into a crazy-good day! I skipped my run and went to a cardio kick-boxing class (eh, not much actual cardio going on there) since I have a little cold and it's freezing out. On my way back I treated myself to a Goodwill shopping "spree" (two pairs of new shoes, one is Franco Sarto for $3.49) - and as I checked out I got a call from my Big Boss.
I've been feeling pretty down about work lately and at first I didn't want to take the call - I was on vacation, after all! I've been fighting a losing battle at work - it keeps piling up, and I keep doing it all - and yesterday a customer actually brought me to tears with her verbal abuse (because her doctor denied her refill request for her lorazepam, because it was TWO WEEKS early. Definitely my fault, right?). I have tried to set an example at work and be assertive about what needs to be done, but the technicians either tell me yes, then never do what they are asked to do; or get angry and tell me they've never had to do this before/don't do it this way/shouldn't have to do this job. Unfortunately my pharmacy manager, while brilliant financially, is a poor manager of personnel, and keeps sweeping the problems under the rug (it doesn't help that he and I walked into the worst personnel mess in the history of the world). When I problem arises (example: a technician is three hours late for her shift, no call, no explanation, no anything), he says he will deal with it - but then he never does. Meanwhile the technician continues to come in late. On top of this, 99% of the paperwork and managerial tasks fall to me - needless to say, I'm burning out fast. So when I saw the corporate number I hesitated to answer.
But I did answer, and it was great news! I will be getting a promotion not just to a manager position, but to a brand-new animal: a new store with an entirely new concept. It's the first of its type in the state and only the second in our region. This position was why I was hired by the company, but legal delays were a big problem. Now the open date is suddenly looming fast - less than 2 months - and my bosses called me to ask if I would like to select my staff! Now that's what a call a great career: a niche job with my hand-picked coworkers.
I'm so grateful for all the opportunities I've had - this one is a biggie - so tonight we're celebrating with happy hour at The American Sector! Have a great Friday!


  1. Heck yeah!! Glad you got some good news!

  2. That's awesome. Congratulations! Sounded like it came at the perfect time as well. Burn out can be hard to deal with, you definitely have to get away sometimes.

  3. Congratulations! That is wonderful news!!

  4. Gracie--Congratulations! I am so happy for you! Enjoy your celebration tonight. :)

  5. Congrats!! That is def news worth celebrating. Selecting your staff is huge. Walking into a terrible staffing situation is just awful. This is really going to turn things around for you.

    Congrats again! How exciting!!!

  6. Congrats lady! That is super exciting. I think celebrations are DEFINITELY in order :)

  7. Wow, that's amazing news! Congratulations!!

  8. That's fabulous! Nothing like an awesome job thing to totally make your day.

  9. I'm so happy for you and sorry to hear work's been running you down lately. I know the feeling and it's exhausting. If you need a running (or drinking) buddy for Tues/Wed, I'm around. The rest of the month is super hectic, but once Feb rolls around I'm all yours. You'll have to slow down for me on runs though... been a rough winter so I don't think I can keep your pace anymore.
