
Thursday, January 6, 2011

American Eagle

Oh boy. Guess what I got in my email today? An American Eagle survey that asks me to "Tell American about my recent flight experience". Honey, don't get me started. I'm pretty sure they'll mark me as spam once they get this response.
Today I went to the gym to survey this year's crop of resolutionists. They're so cute in January - all the new gear and determination. I hope they don't all fizzle. I did weights and abs because I had avoided the gym most of this fall; I had races most weekends and I always worry about pulling something before a race. I had to go back because my arms were looking like Gollum's. I wanted to run a little when I got home but I decided to clean the house instead. As you see that translates into blogging instead.
Today was FREAKING HORRIBLE at work. I forgot my phone, it was busy, and all my techs had PMS. They were fighting with each other all day; one of them snapped at me two seconds after she walked in the door. I found a pile of paperwork that needed to be completed IN AUGUST in the back of the store; the pharmacist who is always late decided to tell me she was coming in an hour late; and a woman literally had a stroke because her medication was not in stock...although I gave her 3 tablets free of charge since that was all I had left on the shelf. My computer froze for the second time this week, an error that requires a complete internal rebuild (this takes several hours), and is due to excessive use. IE, we are doing too much work and out computer gives up (actually due to a server overload). Half the staff deals with stress by giving up, so I did 90% of the work today, all by myself. Do you ever feel like you're the only person working? I did today.
I forgot to wash my stainless steel water bottle last night and honestly the bottle tastes kind of funky! Yuck! I've always carried a water bottle around with me because I drink a great deal of water. I'm picky about the bottle because my job is so busy that the top has to open easily because I only have seconds of downtime to chug some.
What do you drink your water out of? Cup or glass? Reusable bottle? Plastic? Fountain?
I used to reuse a bottle like this and I loved it, but I decided reusing plastic for 3 years wasn't smart.

Thanks for all the interest and feedback yesterday about vitamin D. I will definitely get to some of the non-imaginary questions! As you could tell, I lean towards NOT taking drugs, OTCs, vitamins, or supplements when possible. Remember the old adage about "too much of a good thing"? It tends to hold true. I am wary of any isolated substance, especially when it can be obtained through lifestyle (ie, eat green leafy vegetables instead of taking iron tablets). The most interesting part about yesterday is that I got a spam comment on the post FROM THE TANNING BED INDUSTRY (I presume) encouraging use of "artificial UVB" to increase vitamin D. Good ol' Google caught it, though.


  1. I got a spam comment on my shoe post and promptly deleted it. I seriously am amazed at all you have to work with in addition to your work at work!!! Because of you I make it a point to be really nice to my pharmacist!!!

  2. Uh-oh. My latest post encourages people to turn off the Word Verification process. I didn't think Spam was a real threat. I guess we'll see. BTW, I drink water out of a BPA free plastic bottle.

  3. I always have a Nalgene bottle with me and since it's always with me, I have a bad habit of not washing it every day - I noticed yesterday that I really need to stop doing that!

  4. can't stand plastic. and it's not some ego friendly thing. i just plain don't like it.


  5. I wonder what you would think of my drug regimine right now for my acne problems. I feel like a one-woman pharmacy. I am on 3 different things. Ay yi yi. If this doesn't work, our next stop is Accutane. God help me, that stuff scares me... I might try cutting out dairy in march (just can't do it this month or my bday month due to my intense love of cheese!) as my facial person thinks it might be the culprit for some of my skin issues.. Le sigh.

    Wow, you are so overworked! Yikes! Hope things slow down!

    You are so nice w/ hoping the resolutioners stick w/ it... I am the meanie hoping they'll fall off the wagon so I can have my treadmill back. ;)

    And I drink water out of a nalgene bottle. It is not bpa free or whatever the heck that acronymn is. I hope it doesn't kill me. Lol. I should switch to stainless steel. Perhaps I will ask for a SS bottle for my birthday...
