
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Runing with others

Last night I attempted a group run at the Louisiana Running Company. They hold runs after the store closes each Monday and Wednesday. Since I work until 6 on both of those days, I had to change at work and quickly make my way to mid-city. I would have been on time except that unfortunately Google maps mislocated the store on the opposite side of Canal, so I had to rush back to the car and find the correct location. It took me several trips around the block to find it in the dark (and all the streets are one-ways!) and find parking. By the time I parked it was pretty late but I saw one runner standing outside the store. We decided the rest of the group was already running and took off on our own. I was hesitant to run with someone out of the blue like that - if it was a group, we could all settle into our own paces and spread out if need be. But I felt obligated to stick with this guy since it was just us. At first he started out much faster than I'd planned to run (I have another marathon this weekend), but I kept the pace up and after a mile or two he slowed significantly. Actually he added about a minute per mile (by my guess) which I found odd. We finished and the rest of the group was back drinking water so I met a few other runners before quickly heading home to make dinner. As I drove, I thought about running with a group or with others:
On the plus side, it's motivation, it adds interest, and it's simply a social thing to do.
On the negative side, it's tough if you can't get your paces right or if one of you is having a bad day and needs a walking break. Or what if you feel fantastic and want to speed up, but your group/partner doesn't?
I have little "group" experience, but I have run a few times with the hubby (DOES. NOT. WORK.), Shelly at Decayed Gentlewoman, and Jen at Pretend this is Real. Shelly and I had a really nice long run: long runs are perfect for running with others because you are all going a long, slow distance so pace is not so important. Also a good time to chat. I talk ... a lot!  Jen and I have run together a few times and I think are paces are exactly spot-on, probably helped by the fact that we're similar heights. Running with her helped me get a handle on pacing myself throughout a run. She kept telling me, "Slow down, you're a little fast, we have 8 miles to go, " etc. I credit her with my good race at Harrisburg because even feeling poorly I kept a very even pace (minus, ahem, the hills). I definitely picked her running brain a little! So I can say that my experiences have been positive in small groups, or with just one other running buddy.

If I make it back out to the running group, maybe I'll have a new perspective on actually running with a group instead of another lone straggler.

How about you? Do you have a running group? Do you like to run alone or with others? On a related note, if you run a race with someone, do you stick with them or do your own thing?


  1. You and Jen are so fast! But I definitely like running with faster people on longer runs (as long as they don't mind putting up with me and my short legs) because it helps me push myself. I enjoy the 8am group at Audubon park as long as I have people who are also running a long way because a lot of the runners are good for a loop around the fly and that's it.
    My main running buddy, Margee, seems to train at a pace close to mine (and is around my height) and is good about pushing me when we race together. She's definitely a bit faster than me though but doesn't seem to mind racing with me so I hope I'm not slowing her down too much!

  2. I ocassionally run with a group, but more often if I am not running alone I am running with my friend Tom. The two of us run about the same pace so we occassionally do long runs together.... he has gotten faster then me on the shorter distances (but I still have the fastest marathong, ha!).

    Tom and I have also run races together, rarely do we finish together though. We agree and understand that usually one of us is having a better day than the other. If he or I feel good the last few miles its fine to go ahead. It works for us.

  3. I've never run with a running group. I think I'd feel pressure to run too fast, and I run SLOW when I train on outdoor runs. I usually run with my sister though, and she slows her pace to stick with me. Good for you for giving it a try though, I won't even go that far (yet).

  4. I ran with a group for the first time last weekend. I had no idea what to expect and didn't have a clue what kind of paces the people in it ran but it all worked out really well. I was clear in front during one leg, clear in back another and I enjoyed it - definitely something to add into the mix - not all the time, but sometimes!

  5. I only like running with people faster than the challenge.
    You have a marathon this weekend?? I need details woman!
    I don't think I would stay with someone during a marathon....running is me time:) Great post!
    p.s. your runners high comment was hilarious!

  6. I have run with a running group before. I only run with them for the social side of running. If I'm training for a race and have specific workouts to do, I either do them alone or with one person who runs my pace. Plans are always set out ahead of time so each of us knows what to expect out of each run we do.

  7. Another marathon this weekend? Holy. Moley. You are a running machine, girl!!

    I tried joining a running group sponsored by a running store this summer, but I gave up because everyone ran either a minute faster or a minute slower than I wanted to... It was frustrating for me.

  8. I cannot run with other people! I have one girl I run with randomly, and the b/f and I run together but he frustrates me--starts off too fast! I like being in control of the pace. I would LOVE to have someone here that I could run with, especially on the long runs. What marathon are you running next?! You are so impressive!!

  9. I found a running group, have done one group run, will give it a couple more before I make a real decision.

  10. i pretty much run by myself. mostly because i can barely talk and run at the same time.
    you need a marathon page where you show all your races. im getting jealous already.

  11. I have this fantasy about having a bestie that you can run and talk with. Or a group where you're all buds and running alone together. I just can't get there yet. My days can sometimes be bad and sometimes be good. And I don't like to hold people back if I'm having a bad day. One good thing about running with a group is that they push you to keep going which I think is pretty important when training. I hope to work on my running a lot more and when spring rolls around try and start running regularly with a group.

  12. I have a really hard time running with anyone else. I like to do the races because this is when I push harder. Otherwise I don't like to talk and I find myself pretty miserable if I'm having to work with someone else on a run. Maybe I'm just weird!!

  13. I have never run with a group. Because I train based on my own HR zone and/or pace, it just wouldn't work.

  14. I run with a group that I've been running with for about 3 yrs now. It's definitely a hard thing to find the right group and running partner for you. Sometimes I run with someone who is a bit too fast/slow, but a lot of the time if I don't feel like compromising, I'll just run my own pace even if it means I'll be myself. It is nice having a group of people who all get the running and racing thing though. And having runner parties, brunches and coffee are all a big part of why we all continue to go running. :)

  15. i have finally found the group for me. i've run with many others and i've learned it takes time to find the perfect fit.
    you'll welcome to join us and give us a shot. :)

