
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Boxing Day!

How was your Christmas? Mine was pretty fantastic.

- Bitterly cold, windy Christmas Day run. As I made my way down St. Charles Avenue I could hear the Christmas sounds from inside the houses (mansions). From some windows laughter and cheers rang out; from others electronic game noises; at some there were the unmistakable sounds of children being punished!
- My husband's giddy excitement to find a bike under the tree. I actually managed to buy him a bike and keep it a secret, a huge feat given my small house with no hiding places (I left it in my car and parked around the corner)! He told me smelling bike tires on Christmas morning was like his favorite childhood Christmases.
- Seeing David's cousin, Joe Tony (you know you're Italian when you have two names, and one of them is Tony.). Joe Tony is nearing 60 and mentally retarded. He lives in an assisted living facility in Baton Rouge, where he is able to nearly care for himself and has a job at Home Depot. I am happy that David's dad always makes the drive on holidays to pick him up so he can spend the time with family.
- Snuggling under my new Berkshire blanket (best blanket known to man. Review to come) and watching football with my darling.
- Christmas breakfast was a total flop. I usually make a fancy Christmas breakfast, and this year I just didn't plan well. Last minute I pulled some pumpkin sweet roll dough out of the freezer, but it was so cold that it didn't rise overnight. Instead it became a soggy mess, thanks to the moist pumpkin thawing (for future reference, fruit based yeast doughs do not freeze well!). Then I burned the bacon because - I am embarrassed to say - I was upstairs being vain in front of the mirror rather than cooking. We ended up with a second batch of bacon, grapefruit, and biscotti my brothers had given me. I'm glad I had a back-up, but it wasn't my usual mimosa and crepes sort of meal!
- Nate (my bro in Pennsylvania) couldn't make it in for Christmas. Neither did Johnny (my bro in Kentucky), but
 he's married so he's not all alone. Poor Nate!
FYI: Get thee to World Market. Electric Reindeer is on clearance for $2.99! My advice? Stock up and serve it in a decanter!


  1. The hiding of the bike sounds like it went very well!

  2. I love that you were able to hide the bike and keep it a surprise that's awesome!!!

  3. hiding the bike. #awesomeness


  4. That is awesome that you got the hubby A BIKE!!! I bet he was so so excited. Bummer about the breakfast:( Good luck at the pharmacy tomorrow ha!

  5. Well done on keeping the bike a secret! That is a tough one to pull off!

    That sucks about breakfast flopping. :(
