
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Yeah, yeah, another race

See, I'm getting this post out of the way on a Saturday so if you don't care about races we can return to regularly scheduled broadcasting on Monday without missing a beat.
Actually I divided it into two because it was getting lengthy. So you can start out with a race review and a pic of sweaty me lovin' my swag.
Today we ran the Middendorf's Manchac ten mile race. It's sponsored by a catfish restaurant in the middle of nowhere (I searched for weather in Manchac and couldn't even find the town). This race actually rivals the Spillway Classic for most-fun race in the area. For one thing, it's cheap - just $25 for track club members. Plus you get a technical T, ground coffee samples, and vitamin water revive (which I discovered, I really did) samples at the finish. The course is a 10-mile out-and-back on a highway along wetlands and um, some body of water. It's straight and flat except right at the beginning - and thus also right at the end - there is a large bridge. Thus you start running straight up a big hill, and while the finish is at the end of a downhill, it means you have to climb a hill right at 9.5 miles. Kind of boring course, except I enjoyed seeing other runners after the turn-around point. It's a sunny run, so wear sunscreen.
The best part is after the race: Middendorf's serves beer, their famous thin-fried catfish, and coleslaw. DEAL or WHAT?! A shirt, a meal, a drink, and some freebies for $25!
Tomorrow I'll post our rather humorous night-before-race and race recap. See ya then!


  1. Girl, you are a racing MACHINE. I will live vicariously through you. And pretend I have your legs. Because runners always have the best legs. And I, well, don't.

  2. Gotta love a race with all the right perks!
