
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My pal Ricky Jackson

This morning I got to hang out with hall of famer Ricky Jackson. Now THAT'S what I call a work meeting!
Long run debate: I have a half marathon on Saturday. I work on Sunday but I have this Thursday and Friday off. But Friday I have a morning work meeting. Then I work all next week and leave for vacation the week after. The first weekend of vacation I have a marathon (What is wrong with me, ruining a perfectly good vacation with a 26 mile run?). Therefore, I need to get a 20 miler in this week, but I can really only do it Thursday morning or Friday afternoon, unless I run the race on Saturday and follow it with an additional 7 miles.
What's the call here? When should I squeeze in my 20?


  1. Dang girl, you are a running and racing machine...

    Hmm... I have no idea when to do that long run... Could you add 7 miles onto the half marathon on Saturday, meaning, take a little break and then go out and finish the other 7? Otherwise doing 20 and then 13 w/in a few days of each other might be a bit tough..

  2. Do it race day. If you don't care about your half marathon time I'd do it first.... I did that before I did NYC Marathon last year with a half marathon I ran. Worked out well. I miscalculated though and ran more like 8-9 miles first though.... oopsie.

  3. I think you should just do it on race day, maybe after the race if you're running for time though. :)

  4. if you are not 'racing' the half, do it after. If you are running the 1/2 for a PR, just skip it. Banking 7 more miles just to make 20 isn't going to change your marathon time (much). good luck!

  5. Race day. It might be hard to race well after a 20 miler.
