
Friday, September 24, 2010

Did you miss long run Thursday?

No post about my long run this week. That's because I didn't do one. I'm transitioning to a kind-of-long run this weekend because the weekend after this is the Freedom's Run marathon!
Instead yesterday I did a hills program on the treadmill, which turned my knees into jelly. I do not handle treadmills well and I'm achy today.
This race is close. Really close. How close?
- The extended forecast is available! High of 69, low of 49, 60% chance of showers. This tells me not to wear cotton, which will be sticky and uncomfortable wet if it rains. I may go hypothermic in these frigid conditions.
- My close childhood friend Gabrielle emailed me to make final plans for our visit. We were besties when I was 6 and she was 5, and enjoyed each others' company until we moved away when I was 9. We kept in touch for years and recently reconnected on facebook. I probably mentioned that I used to live right near the Freedom's Run course, and Gabrielle still lives in the area, so we're definitely going to see each other. We're having a bonfire at her parents' house, like we did when I was a little kid!
- The race director sent us an email with the chilling final paragraph (and I quote):
"Ohhh…. and the most important message. Mile 16 is a bear leaving the Canal going up Millers Sawmill Rd. So no matter how much you are suffering, remember at the top you will be in Antietam National Battlefield where real suffering occurred. Check out our history page for lessons along the course."
Really? It's so bad you have to remind me that people died there? Yikes.
- It's close enough for me to be watching what I eat and drink. Well...ok, I did go to a dinner hosted by a drug rep at Zea's on St Charles at which I had a tad too much to drink (and about a pound of their creamy grits. SO GOOD). I ran into some pharmacists I know and we regaled each other with tales from our pharmacies. Had a little too much fun, but I'm backing off now. Carbs, low fat, lots of fluids, no alcohol.
- I'm thinking about a packing list. We're not checking a bag so I have to be really creative. I'm so afraid I'll forget something!
Have you ever traveled for a race? If so, so you have any packing tips for me? Suggestions about what to bring? Thank you!


  1. I haven't traveled for a race before... this will be my first time when I travel to Portland. No one left packing advice, but I got some advice on how to handle the return trip on my post on Wednesday...

    At least since you are not checking a bag, you don't have to worry about your luggage getting lost! I will be checking a bag since I'll be gone for like 6 days... but I plan to carry on my race outfit & shoes - JUST IN CASE.

    I hope it doesn't rain and yikes - that paragraph would sort of freak me out, too. There is a killer hill at mile 21 of the Twin cities Marathon... how cruel to have hills late in a course, right?

    Can't wait to see how this race goes for you! You are going to rock it!

  2. Yes. I've traveled for a few races.
    I just lay it all out on the floor. Then I put it all on. [you'd be surprised what I've forgotten in the past]. Take it all off and right into the suitcase. I always pack a few TSA approved snacks just in case. ;)

  3. You give up all alcohol this far out? How? LOL I kid.
    Laying it all out is an excellent idea!!

  4. Emz's advice for packing sounds like good advice. Your shoes are probably the only really critical thing. Didn't you just love that final paragraph from the e-mail. Haha! We're almost there!

  5. Yes, I travel for most of my races! The most important stuff is your race gear. Everything else is secondary.

    I first get all my clothes ready (skirt, bra, top, socks, shoes). Then the "gear" (visor, sweaty band, hair tie, sunglasses, garmin, road ID, heart rate). I double check it before putting in my bag.

    THEN I pack everything else. I almost always forget something, but I (knock on wood) have never forgot anything SUPER important.

  6. Hahahaha. Oh man, that paragraph from the race director is kind of funny!!

    No advice for packing light. I am TERRIBLE at packing lightly!

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