
Thursday, August 12, 2010

20...ugh, gasp, gasp, miles.

I managed a twenty miler in the pouring rain, dehydrated, with low blood sugar, and major stomach cramps. Ugh. Sometimes you just have to run through it!
AND AFTER THAT WAS THE FREAKIN' SAINTS GAME, I am so glad football is back!!!! They lost, but it was close. And it's just pre-season. And Hartley can play basically any position that involve kicking a ball.
Why no long run recap? Especially when it involves paramedics, a salvaged water bottle, and another classic Grace get hopelessly lost move?
Well, because...I'm recapping it over at Abbi's totally cool blog Higher Miles. Abbi is running the Freedom's Run marathon this year, too, and we found each other blogcidentally. Since we're training for the same event, we'll be trading our fist twenty miler stories! Kind of a check up on training. Aren't we too cute?!
Of course I don't know when she's posting the recap because I actually haven't, you know, written it yet. I'm too busy eating everything in the house that is not actually integral to the structure of the building (David is keeping a safe distance from my voracious appetite).
But go ahead and check out her blog anyway, 'cause you'll like it, and then stop back by and read my very blistery run recap!
Back to my food. FYI there is caviar in my keyboard now. Don't ask.


  1. Good job! I'm looking forward to reading the recap to psyche myself up for my 17-miler this weekend, which will be a PDR for me!

  2. Well done on the 20 miler - esp under those conditions. Ay yi yi.

    I switched my training around so this week is a step back week forme. So I am running 8 tomorrow and 11 on Sunday. I am looking forward to these shorter runs since I will be at the cabin! :)

    And yes, Abbi's blog rocks!

  3. I read over at Abbi's blog. You are hilarious. Thanks for sharing. Look forward to following your adventures.
