
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Changing Attitudes

A little job update: It's killing me slowly. As I get used to the new location I'm daily appalled at the lack of structure and organization. It seems that things were a mes for so long that now the employees operate with total apathy. They don't expect a good day and do nothing to achieve a good day. I have a feeling this is why there was some abrupt changes in the work force (two new pharmacists at once!).
I wish the attitude at work was different, but I don't know how to subtly encourage a change without being the bad guy. I feel like I'm always the one telling my techs to put their iphones away, help the next customer, fill the waiting prescriptions, answer the phones, etc. The worst part is when I find something that they've "always done that way" and yet it goes completely against company policy. How can I encourage changes without alienating people I have to work with every day?
Advice? Have you dealt with a similar situation?


  1. Oh, that is a tough one. I wish I had a brilliant recommendation. A couple of years ago, I became a supervisor on a team that sort of operated like your new pharmacy operates... it's tough to change the attitudes of people, esp if they are not motivated to change. I tried to use recognition/positive reinforcement when possible (without feeling like I was acting like a kindergarten teacher). It's tough, though. Just think, though, if you can turn this place around, it will be great material for future interview questions about overcoming adversity,implementing change, yadda, yadda, yadda...

  2. Hmm...I only really know one of two ways - either be the rough and tough guy at first and then eventually ease up knowing you'll have not great feelings for a while in the people that work there, or try to ease into it but know you'll be frustrated for awhile. Good luck and keep us posted!

  3. I've not had quite your situation so I'm not sure how helpful this will be. Ask questions about their lives, not being too friendly but to understand how they tick. Then that allows you to know how to ask them to do things. Bring in unexpected goodies (if you're allowed to do this) Popsicles, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Donuts, randomly. I find that bribery is helpful :) Lisa is right that if you are able to break through it will be great for future interview questions! Good luck!!

  4. Haha, bribery, so true! I've already resorted to that!
    Thanks for the suggestions. Today actually went a little better because we were not overwhelmingly busy so I had more time to explain instead of just "tell". I got everyone's input on some changes so that it's really more their ideas than mine. So at least as far as filing invoices we've taken steps!
