
Friday, May 15, 2009

I graduated!

This is the story of my schooling.
1. Highschool: nonexistant. Homeschooled but "dropped out" of homeschool.
2. College: Had to persuade my way into a private college based on a good ACT score. I took time off to work before college so I could afford it.
I went to art school on art scholarships - all of which were won in competitions - for 2 years before changing my major to pre-pharmacy! The only class that transferred majors with me was my basic English!
3. I got accepted to several pharmacy schools and ended up in Monroe, La for one semester, but I transferred to Xavier in New Orleans to be closer to my then-boyfriend (I married him!).
4. Now I graduated with a 4.0! That's quite the long trail, no?

The picture is a photo of Xavier University's 4.0 graduates with the college president and the two commencement speakers, Donna Brazile (BOOOOO!) and Forest Whitaker. I'm in the middle of the back row.


  1. Wow, that is awesome! Congrats!

  2. Thanks. Now I have to buckle down and study for the NAPLEX ... so what am I doing? Goofing off online of course!
