
Monday, March 30, 2009

Ochsner run!

This Saturday I hauled my rear out to the Ochsner run - a 5k that runs down River Road, up to the top of the levee, then back. All of our hundreds of feet pounded on the top of the levee, tearing down the only levee that withstood Katrina! Hehe. I tried to be gentle.

My time was 24: 23 but I never got official results so I'm not sure how I placed. It was a beautiful day, though.

Problem: Pharmacy director did NOT show up at race. But she DID show up later at Luke restaurant (totally the best restaurant in the city, and that's saying a freaking heck of a lot, you should come visit and order the Express Menu. It's $23 for a soup, entree, and dessert, all lovely prepared by Chef Besh's own hands - or at least kids trained by him). What are the chances? I avoid her at the one event I'm sure she'll attend, just to see her later at dinner?!

I told you, it is SO complicated.

So how ya like my time? It could have been faster but I ran TO the race from my house (2 miles) and was winded when it started.

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