
Monday, June 22, 2020

A power mile: training log and slow down!

Monday: Easy miles with 10 hill sprints. 7 miles.
Tuesday: Tempo intervals on the road with the Power Milers. The whole group met this week per phase 2 guidelines! But of course, we divide up by pace anyway, so the workout was still with the same people. We did 10x(90 seconds 5k, 10 seconds sprint) with 90 seconds rest, and I didn't feel great. These evening runs are hit or miss for me. My paces were 6:18, 6:03, 6:11, 5:50, 5:54, 6:07, 5:52, 6:05, 6:03, 5:58 for the 90 second reps; the 10 second sprints are all weird because my Garmin can't handle that - so some of them show the pace as slower than for the prior rep. Anyway, this was another workout slower than the last time we did it. Not good! 8.26 miles.
Wednesday: Stroller run! I always try to keep the baby awake so he will be tired for his nap when I get home, so on Wednesday I gave him a little branch off a bush. He waved it and sang to the leaves the whole way. So funny. He's only just barely five months old, so it's more just noises than singing, but it's adorable all the same! By the way, this was 8:42 pace, which I know because for once I wore my Garmin on a recovery run. That's in my normal recovery range, which surprised me, since I had the stroller. It didn't add nearly as much time as I thought it did. 6 miles.
Thursday: Nine miles aerobic (7:11 pace) plus 6xstrides. I ran out of time on this one! I modified my route a little this week - since the sun on the levee is really, really punishing, I did six miles on the levee and the rest in the park. After this run I was reflecting on the fact that, five months after baby and over a year after becoming pregnant, I could run a string of 7-flat miles and not feel like it was hard work. The human body is astonishingly resilient. I would never have expected to be able to come back so quickly post-baby. After all the time off or decreased during pregnancy, and then going through childbirth, I didn't think I'd see a single mile starting with a "7" for over a year! 9.41 miles.
Friday: A re-do of an earlier workout: sixteen x 30 seconds WAO and 90 seconds rest. This workout is fun, and not really challenging - that's a lot of rest! I went back and checked my last workout results, and it looks like I shaved a few seconds off this time. Finally! Progress! Even if it wasn't much. 7.92 miles.
Saturday: Brought the Cute Patoot for a 10k in Audubon. 6.2 miles.
Sunday: Long run in 99% humidity but slightly lower temperatures - which didn't feel bad, honestly. It was nice to have high 70s/low 80s for a change. We took this one out pretty slow at first, but picked it up at the end. I got home in time for pancakes before church! 15.09 miles at 7:40 pace.

I am not thrilled that I seem to have slowed or, at best, only advanced minimally over the last weeks. I took a down week a few weeks ago to make sure I wasn't overdoing it, and I started the week feeling refreshed. But since we had a week of repeat workouts, it was easy to compare to fitness last month, and I noticed that I am slowing down. The weather also got a lot warmer, so I could blame the heat I suppose - but I am also continuing to keep an eye on overworking.

1 comment:

  1. Your bounce back has been amazing and inspiring! I know you've worked really hard though and I can't say I am surprised that you are back to running 7s without feeling like it was super hard. You are amazing!!!
