
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Back at it: Boston training begins

The club launched into Boston training this week with a downright RUDE 18-miler (who starts marathon training with 18 miles?!).
Off Monday for acupuncture

I hit 60+ for the week, and finished with six miles fast (seven if you count the extra one I tacked on to get home, but it doesn't really count since I stopped for water at 18).
HELLO, 6:37 at mile 18!

My race-before-the-race plans include:

  • A 10k next week. I just signed up for the Run the Bayou 10k on the West Bank. I don't run a lot of 10ks, and I am *pathetic* at that distance, but I think this one will be a PR. If the weather is nice, anyway. On recent cold workout days, I've been flying - and it felt easy. We had a 10 mile workout last week that was supposed to include 2 miles tempo, 1 mile aerobic, 2 miles tempo - but I ran 6:28, 6:18, 7:02, 6:08, 6:12. And contemplated adding another two-mile segment. Holding those paces for a 10k would be great! 
  • A half-marathon February 10th. I registered for the full, but ugh - I just don't have the endurance. So I'll drop to the half. This probably will not be a PR: we will no doubt be building intensity and I will be tired. But I'll see how I feel. I didn't think Jazz half would be a PR last October, and I PR'd by 2:14! So I might be surprised. 
  • Hopefully a 5k. I still want to work some short-distance speed in somewhere!

I'm excited to see what workouts we'll be doing to get ready for Boston, and I'm really, REALLY, really going to try to stay healthy this time.


  1. Eek, that IS rude! Nice run though!

  2. Oh man, that's a rough start to marathon training! Eeks! I think it was a wise decision to drop down to the half in February. No use putting yourself at risk of getting injured! I hope you get to the start line at Boston feeling healthy!! My sister is running, too. She qualified last February with a 3:29, I think. But then in December she ran a 3:18 in Tucson. She's gotten so much faster in the last couple of years!

  3. That's a solid plan! And wow- already at 60 miles per week! I'm excited to read about your 10K.
