
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Recovery weeks

Following the dreadful race that was Rocket City, I took eight days off before getting out for a run. I didn't feel like I needed that long, but better safe than sorry, especially since I have some high hamstring tendonitis. This was present pre-race, but the hills aggravated it (since I am not used to hills, I tend to really overreach with my hamstrings on the way up).
I was in Texas for training by the time I was ready to run again, so I just did a few short jogs around my hotel. I was next to a convention center/"resort" (quotes necessary, believe me, it was basically just a giant hotel right in the DFW flight path), and ran along the running path near their little lake. It was slow and easy, and COLD! Thirty-two on Monday. Luckily, I was prepared, but only because I accidentally packed double (I started packing, then got interrupted, then resumed the job, and ended up with twice the running clothes. That was perfect, because then I could layer up!).

Bridges, bridges, bridges for the hamstring!
Now, on week two, I am doing a slow return to running. I'm running five days this week, six next. Meanwhile, I've been doing some hamstring exercises to relieve the pain in my butt, and they're helping a lot (which is why I think this is tendonitis instead of tendonosis or tendinopathy; it's recovering too fast to be chronic damage). Weirdly, returning to running also helped a lot; my sedentary week made it very tight and sore. The fact that running is helping is also making me question if I have the diagnosis totally wrong, since the tendon should be irritated by running. But regardless, it's improving, and the strengthening is helping, so I'm happy with that.

Now I need to decide if I'm going to try for back-to-back races. I'm obviously unhappy with my Rocket City race, and I've doubled up in the past and done better at race number two. I've also never gotten injured doing this, which is the only reason I'd consider it, given my injury history. I'm registered for Rock 'n Roll New Orleans in early February. I chose the full, because it was only a few dollars more than the half. With a special deal and a $15 coupon code, I registered for under $50, even with the outrageous $9 processing fee! If I decide to run the full, great; if I drop down to the half, no problem, it's allowed. I'm still pondering this one, but if I do run the full, I probably need to be back in double digit long runs by next weekend. This is the week I'll decide.


  1. High hamstring tendonitis is actually one of the better running injuries to have (according to my PT) because you can run through it without making it worse. I saw that they moved RNR New Orleans earlier, and I wish it had been earlier last year! I agree that you'll be able to get a sense for it this coming week. And if not RNR New Orleans, there's Shamrock!!

  2. Wow, that is such a cheap marathon!! Crazy! I think ours is well over $100!!

    Hopefully you get a sense for what the right decision is so you know whether to start to increase your mileage!! When I first read February I thought - that's a long way off. But it's really not at all!! Which means Paul's birthday (3/1) isn't far off either!
