
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Buffalo Marathon, by the numbers

Time: 3:15:53
Place: 65th overall; 9th female; 1st AG
Tangents: 26.34. Could be worse; lots of turns on this course.
I did my best, but perfect tangents were hard to
accomplish on every single turn on this one!

Half splits: One minute positive split
Slowest mile: Mile 25, 7:49, at the top of a gradual but long climb
Fastest mile: Mile 26, 7:06
Elevation gain: 382 feet per Garmin. Ha, ha, coming from NOLA I definitely thought it was hilly! To the rest of the world that's like nothing!
Minutes off PR: almost ten, but that's cool.
Passing the last person for the day, right at the finish line! 
Long runs: 18, 19, 16, 20, 18. Good enough. Missed my last long run due to hamstring strain. Definitely missed the extra time from a run longer than 20 miles.
Time back running: Almost four months since my first run back post-stress fracture, although I ended up taking off more time later for the OTHER foot. This was a really fast turnaround from "no running for months" to "marathon" and as a result, I didn't have much of a base. Do not recommend from a safety standpoint.
Weeks of training: seven; also do not recommend!
People passed in the second half: At least 100. Or it felt like it. Probably more like a few dozen ;-)
Race schedule: Three races (barathon, 5k, marathon) in ten days
Time in Buffalo: Seventeen hours total!
Time flying/hanging out bored on the tarmac/layovers: Seventeen hours total!


  1. Congrats on the age group placement! That’s awesome! So impressive that you ran such a strong race coming off an injury and with such a short training cycle. You are amazing!!

  2. Way to go on the age group finish!!! Congratulations!!!

  3. I LOVE stats so much. And what an inspiration to come back so soon after a stress fracture to run a really fast time. Definitely an inspiration in terms of making a strong comeback and executing well.
