
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Lenten Valentine's Day

Here we are, going out to dinner after promising to have no alcohol and no sugar for six weeks. Poor planning!

In addition to giving things up, this year I'm trying to add some things in: specifically, a walk with David after dinner on nights when we don't have other obligations, and a little art in my free time. I tend to waste free time, and often put off large art projects until I have a big chunk of available time, like the weekend. For lent, I'm just working on small little low-stress projects, and it's been fun so far! I wonder how many I'll complete in six weeks?
Four pieces so far! 

I cut some bristol board into small 4 or 5 inch squares to ensure that the projects are small and doable on a week night.

If you practice lent, what are your plans?

1 comment:

  1. I usually give something up for Lent but this year I decided not to because I feel like I've been through enough with this pregnancy between gestational diabetes and all the blood thinner injections and other poking and prodding! I've given up social media the last 2 Lents, which was such a good exercise for me, but this year I didn't want to give it up since our baby will be born during Lent and I selfishly wanted to share his or her arrival and be able to share photos of the baby with far-away friends and family!

    You are such a talented artist!
