
Monday, January 8, 2018

Out of the boot

After wearing a walking boot for about three weeks, I ditched it this week for my clogs. I think I needed the boot to enforce total immobility for awhile, but actually, the clogs are a firmer surface (they have wooded soles with no padding) and are more comfortable right now.
The clogs I wear every single day.

I am not sure the status of the bone at this point. The inflammation has receded to the point that I can now press directly on the bone, and it HURTS to do so. It hurts to walk barefoot, or in any shoe besides a firm-soled one, and I can't rise up on my toes or toe off without pain. And most concerning, the area above the break is still red and a little swollen. Obviously, I still have a lot of healing to do. But I am feeling pretty positive, because I've made big strides this week. I don't have pain at rest, and protected impact doesn't hurt. I can wiggle my toes again. And the overall scale of the pain is a lot less than before. I'm healing, and I can tell, and that's good news.

When will I be ready to run again? I don't know yet, but the timeline is measured in "weeks to months" right now. I'm nowhere near that point as of today! I'll keep taking it very easy, keep taking my calcium and vitamin D, and keep praying for fast recovery.


  1. Hooray for being boot free! I like the pic of you wearing the clogs and holding the bone medicine like it's your baby right now ;).

    1. Like how I got the bottle that basically IS as big as a baby? :)

  2. I'm glad you are making progress but it sucks that you still have inflammation and pain. I'm sure it's good to be out of the boot, though. I was in one for the better part of the summer when I moved to Charlotte and it SUCKED.

    1. I don't know how you did it - that boot is WARM. I was wearing it right in the middle of a cold snap, but in summer it would be misery!

  3. Oof. Progress is always good, but sorry to hear that there's still pain with walking. This too shall pass. {Internet hugs}

  4. Hang in there! This definitely is no fun but it will pass and you will get back out there.
