
Monday, June 13, 2016

My immune system has given up

AND I'm sick again. Nausea, stomach pain, high fever, the whole bit. What a great way to kick off marathon training - missing all your first runs!
I think I really need to dial things back in my life. I just keep getting sick. Maybe I need to rest a little - I mean, this is before I even start longer, harder runs as I ramp up for the marathon. I'll just go tell my boss that I can't do that presentation this week and finish those projects he assigned that someone else dropped the ball on. Ha Ha. We'll see how that goes over.


  1. Pooh! That really sucks. You've had enough illnesses this year. But if you have to be sick I'm glad it's at the beginning of your training cycle and not close to race day.

  2. I have definitely seen a big connection between busy-ness, downtime, and illness for me. It's like my body will force me to take care of myself if I'm not otherwise. Hope the illness fades and you're back in synch soon!

  3. I hope you feel better soon. I know that for me, I've had to learn to really set barriers at work, or my running and health suffer. Easier said than done, of course....

  4. Hi... I am starting to follow your blog. I am very identified with you. Think that your power is on your mind, on your thoughts, think that you just can go ahead. Get stronger with with your mind, is there something that bothers you?...try to put aside
