
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Louisiana Marathon - not really racing the half

Boy, did I have a crappy day Sunday. I just couldn't get anything going at all, and had a pretty bad race.
The day started at 4:30, because for some reason I thought that was plenty of time to get up, get ready, drive an hour and a half, park, warm-up, check gear, use the bathroom, and start a race at 7:00. No, it actually is not enough time for all of that.
So I ended up frantically hunting for parking pre-race (mostly because I refused to pay and wanted street parking), finally finding a spot quite far away with just 25 minutes to the start. I couldn't run to the race, because I needed a port-a-potty SO BAD OMG, which also means I was totally dehydrated (halfway through the long drive I was regretting all the coffee I drank, and didn't dare drink a sip of water).
Arriving late has some benefits: most people were already done with gear check and bathrooms by the time I arrived. I easily checked my bag, but the national anthem was playing before I even got to the front of the port-a-potty line (which, props to the directors, was not long thanks to the adequate number of units). I ended up vaulting over the fence into the corral, into the waiting arms of a total stranger I talked into catching me (poor dude).
I was freezing cold, I wasn't warmed up, and I was having tummy issues already. It was in the 30's with a "feels like" temp of below freezing; I knew the sun would warm things up, though, so I was in tights and a sleeveless shirt with gloves. I had to take the gloves off early because, oddly, the volunteer at the very first water stop poured Powerade all down my arm and soaked my glove - and then high-fived his friend and said, "Baptized!" - uh, calm down, fellow.
Louisiana Running Company once again providing great photos! 

The gun went off and we started running downhill. The first miles are a slight decline, yet to my horror, my Garmin beeped WAY WAY WAY slower than I thought I was running the first mile. Like, fifteen seconds slower. Huh? I just was working way too hard. My muscles felt fine - although cold - but I was struggling to get any speed at all. I hammered the first six miles away at 7:06 pace, which was already a little slower than the 7:05 I'd need to run a 1:33, and then I just gave up. I started really just jogging and I felt so tired. Around about mile 11, I realized that about a million people had passed me and thought, "Well, that's not cool", so I ran a 7:04 and a 7:03 for the last two, but - ugh. I just struggled the whole way. 1:33:53.
Worst part: I wasn't sore later, so you know I didn't do my best!

I am really annoyed that I ran basically the same time as last race - and it actually felt much harder. Am I getting slower? Honestly, my fall half (1:37) was a much tougher course, so I kind of feel like I haven't seen any improvement at all since I got back to running this year. I am sort of wondering if it isn't time to hang it up. Yes, I can have a great long run, but honestly - what good does that do without the speed? And the speed is what's missing.
And I still have runner's knee - not that bad, but nagging and annoying.


  1. Hmmm. I wouldn't let this race be the end of it all. Getting up at 4:30 am, sitting in a car for 1.5 hours whilst dehydrating yourself and then getting NO warm-up AND running with GI issues does not make for a good half marathon. Also, like you said, you went into it untapered and was not expecting to run faster than Ole Man. And even though it felt worse, you did run a little bit faster. I say it's not time to hang it up yet. Hang in there! And that is a great picture of you!

  2. I think you weren't really set up to succeed with an early morning, a longish car drive and no time to warm up. Maybe you are trying to do too much too soon right now? In the past you might have been able to race as often as you wanted but maybe your body needs something different these days, especially since you have a marathon fast approaching...

  3. I will echo Lisa's comments. On a bad day when you were feeling ill and out of sorts and dialed your performance down for the middle miles you still were able to come close to your target. It seems like with a smoother pre-race time and no stomach issues you would have a great race.

  4. That water station volunteer? What a dick! I'd have been pretty pissed since it sounds like that was intentional. I hate having sticky fingers, a sticky arm would really drive me nuts. I don't think you're anywhere near hanging it up, we all have bad days, and I think being rushed and not warmed up, with an upset stomach and no taper means there's a fair chance of an off day.

    1. For real. I was like, did you dump that on me on purpose? Because I was grabbing water, not even Powerade. It was so odd.

  5. You did run 20 miles the previous weekend, and you said that you weren't going to taper. a 1:33 is still a great time, for us age groupers. This race is a stepping stone for your marathon. Take it with a grain of salt. At least you were able to pick it up the last two miles.

    1. True - I had actually a fairly heavy run week. But I took that into account with my goal. I thought with a taper I could run 1:32! I am obviously on crack!

  6. Wait - did a volunteer really dump something on you? That's insane!

    I often think it takes a long time to get back to really being in race shape, especially as get older. (Or maybe it's just part of getting older?) I wouldn't write off speed quite yet - I'm not - but I think it'll take more work to get there.

  7. I think the pre-race debacle played a big part in how your race went. Not having time to warm up would have made those first few miles feel so much harder. No, don't hang up your racing shoes yet.

  8. Oof, I'm clearly behind the times. Sorry to hear that you didn't have the race you were hoping for, but I wouldn't give up just yet. In 2012 I had a fantastic marathon training cycle by my standards & set 5K, 10K, & half PRs in my tune-up races. Then on the morning of my goal race, I felt like poo and couldn't believe how hard I was working to maintain a not-great pace. It remains to this day my slowest marathon ever. Sometimes we just have a sucky race for no obvious reason, I'm sure having a rough & rushed morning didn't help. Hopefully you'll be able to recover from this one soon & have the race you want later this year.
