
Monday, November 23, 2015

Time to get off my butt

Running update: I've been getting dry needling on my hamstring, which is really just social hour with the physical therapists since a. I have apparently lost the ability to feel the needles, and b. I met my max on my insurance, so there I am, just being a glut in the healthcare society. I've been running throughout this, except when I stopped when my knee hurt a little (it was a little distal hamstring tendinopathy. The funny thing is, that was my misdiagnosis way back when I had a femoral stress fracture, and now I can't believe I could confuse the two. Totally different!).

My PT and my doctor are not very worried about my hamstring, and it feels pretty good. I'm at a long run of 13 miles and four or five days a week running. I am doing some PT, but not many exercises. Usually hamstring strains require mild stretching and a lot of strengthening, but I already have strong hamstrings. I think the strain was just from handling hills poorly in my race. My PT tested my hamstring to quadricep ratio, and my hamstrings are actually strong for a runner, at about 80% of my quad strength (anecdotally, he sees about 50% on average in distance runners).

Basically, my hamstring will be just fine, but it was a nice excuse while it lasted, ok? I definitely think that if I'd been running faster, I would not have really taken a break. I just get bored with my slow self. Now It's time to get off my butt. I'll be slowly racing the Turkey Day five miler as a rude reawakening.


  1. I am glad that you are doing better! The fact that you are running 4-5 days a week and have a long run distance of 13 miles seems pretty great to me. Again, not what you were used to but it's a good place to build from. Have fun at your Turkey 5 miler - I am doing a 10k that day which I am looking forward to!

  2. You're definitely not coming back from scratch, so you'll be where you want in no time!

  3. I'm glad the dry needling has worked for you! I've had some tendonitis crop up in my calf, so I've started going to Crescent City Acupuncture. So far it's working great. Dr. Jimi is awesome. He uses e-stim with the needles. Anyway, have a great race on Thursday. I've heard it's a really fun one.

  4. Be careful on Thursday ... we all know you have a tendency to push it! It's just a Turkey Day race ... get back in shape and run one fast in the Spring. This is great advice from an old old old man, who I think is just a few years older than YOUR husband ... so hush!

  5. It's good that your hamstring's not going to be an issue. They can sometimes be a bit dicey so getting on top of it was really sensible.

  6. I'm glad that you're feeling better and running consistently. Good luck with the turkey trot!
