
Thursday, June 25, 2015

I almost wore flats.

Last night I almost wore racing flats. In fact, I took a picture, to be all, "Oooh, I haven't worn flats in a year" - but then as I walked out the door with them on, I felt way too close to the ground. I ran back upstairs and put my Kinvaras on.

The D-tag is from Greek Fest 5k...over a year ago.
What was the occasion? I jumped into a 2-mile race last minute. I don't know how it's happening that all my races are last minute, but in this case, half-way through the workday I found out that our evening plans changed. Instead of community group with our church (which I lead), we'd be meeting for a farewell party for a member who was moving away (which was at a bar...which I could be late to, since I wasn't in charge). This will probably be the only summer series 2-miler I can make, so I wanted to do it.
The summer series are free for New Orleans Track Club members, so I just showed up and registered few minutes prior to the start. I got in a 1-mile warmup just running from my parked car, then adding a little extra.
My plan going into the race was 6:30's - I know, not blistering, but I'd run speed work that morning since I hadn't planned on racing! My legs definitely were feeling those 400s, too. So I thought that sounded safe and hopefully doable. The weather was hot and humid, with a storm possibly brewing.
These races are heavily attended by the high school runners, so of course I found myself swept up in a large group of teenage boys early on. I was still able to hold my pace pretty consistently, but it's funny that the race stayed so crowded the whole time and I had to do a lot of weaving. I guess I'm the same pace as the slower high schoolers, so we were together the whole time.
The race went by so fast I don't really have a lot to say about it, except that the air was very heavy the whole way. I crossed the line in 12:56. Not my fastest, but good considering the 12x400's that morning. And pretty good pacing, too.
After the race, they had beer, hot dogs, peanuts, etc., but the impending storm arrived and I left early. I got drenched on the way to my car. Of course, the rain made the temperature so much more bearable as soon as it didn't matter anymore!
As for racing flats, I'm not sure I'll be wearing them again. I used to think these shoes (Mizuno Musha - now discontinued) felt perfect for the track or short races, but they felt hard, inflexible, and uncomfortable last night. I might need to ease into them.


  1. Absolutely spot on with the pacing. That's really impressive (coming from someone who really sucks at pacing)

  2. That's a really good race - especially from where you "claim" you're at right now. I think you're in better shape that you think you are - your times have been solid lately. For me, the Kinvara's almost feel like racing flats anyway.

  3. Gracie, am I the only one thinking you are NUTS for doing speedwork on the same day as running a race? And not just a little bit of speed either. 12 x 400s is no joke.

    I was wondering how you were managing to increase your mileage so much quicker than I did (though willing to admit that I perhaps had to increase more slowly because I was rehabbing through my labral tear)...

    But this? I'm genuinely flabbergasted!


    1. Oh, you aren't the only one! Notice the relative silence in the comments! But I didn't plan it that way. Regardless, I am sure I deserve the internet tongue lashings I'll receive.

    2. Um, okay now I can comment on it since someone else broke the ice ... ha. I thought it sounded like a little much too - but honestly, we all know what our bodies can handle, and if you felt good enough later that evening to run a race, I say go for it. Your legs and hip are only going to take you as fast as your conditioned for right now. The real test will be the next day. I don't see a huge issue with the speed - but I probably push it a little more than most. Just be careful.

  4. I'm going to echo what the others say and say - be careful... I'd hate to see you injured again after all you've been through... I know it's hard to not push it but your body will likely thank you in the long run if you don't over do it as you are coming back to running..

  5. Holy cow. You are really talented... just be careful! You know how this stuff works. You're feeling good for a while and BAM. Then you're not...

    1. You should come do one of the races! It's free for members, $5 for non-members.

    2. I started doing bridge repeats with Antigone on Thursday mornings at 5 am. I think my legs would be jello if I did that 2 mile race on Wednesday nights. It's tempting though because I live right by City Park. Still would love to come out to one of the Varsity Sports workouts though. I'm totally a morning running, however. Have joined up with the 5:20 group. Heard of them? They do meet up at Audubon Park on Friday mornings, I think. I'm slowly getting back to my usual mileage.

    3. The famous 5:20 group! I could never, ever get up early enough to join them, but I know many people who do. I actually don't do a lot of group runs, but I'll join Varsity if it's at Philip's. Basically just to go to Philip's!

  6. Nice job stud!! I'm bummed. I had planned on racing 1600m at my local track club summer series, but they changed the event site, and it's too far away for me to get to.

    It is a real treat to watch you on the comeback trail! You have been so positive throughout your recovery.

  7. I'm reading this thinking, "that's something I would do." LOL! We can be stupid together! I'm just elated you are back racing again! Woot woot!
