
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Pre-run, post-surgery

For the longest time, my pre-run routine was "tie shoes, lock door". But when things started hurting (before diagnosis of labral tear(s)), I'd do Myrtles. They doubled as a warm-up and strengthening.

At first I was continuing the Myrtles, followed by some version of my hip PT exercises. I've recently changed that. It was taking too long for me to get out the door, and I felt like many of the exercises were more appropriate for the early recovery period. Instead, I stumbled upon Coach Jay's warm ups and post-run routines, and I've been using them.
Pre-run, I do a quick and simple lunge warm-up, and I'm out the door in just a few minutes instead of the 15 or 20 minutes my hip routines took. Then, when I return from the run, I do more strengthening (a post for later).
Here's Coach Jay's lunge matrix warm-up:

Does it work for me? Yes! I still have a little stiffness in the morning (is it surgery? Or old age?), and the lunges get rid of that, plus get my blood pumping a tad, AND activate my glutes prior to running. This gives me enough momentary muscle memory to remember to activate them while I run, too.

What is your pre-run routine?


  1. I have been out of practice doing anything pre-run and the older I get, the more I think I need to get back into the routine.

    1. I miss the days when I could just skip out of the house with reckless abandon.

  2. I have always pooh-pooh'd (sp?) the whole "activate ur glutes before running!" idea, but then I noticed that a few times when I coincidentally did my glute strength exercises right before running that, holy crap, everything easier. I still don't do it consistently, but I am now totally sold on the idea.

    1. I notice that I am simply more aware that I need to be engaging the glutes!

  3. I don't stretch as much as I should be for a run, but I am pretty good about stretching afterwards. I use quite a bit of Coach Jay's stuff as well. His videos are pretty good

  4. I don't stretch before runs, but I try to stretch afterwards! Lately it's been so cold that I have tried to stay in my car as long as possible before joining the group to head out for our run. But those cold mornings should be behind us soon... hopefully!

  5. Yes! I've used some of his stuff. I also really like the blog "Strength Running" and use his dynamic warm-up and core routine. I think he gets inspiration from Coach Jay.

  6. One of my sons is an exercise physiologist and he's told me many times to activate my glutes before going for a run. I still don't but I am at least educated in the importance of doing so.

  7. I tried these exercises before my run today - they felt really good. Both activating my butt, but also loosening up the hips! Thanks!

  8. Thanks for posting this video. I used to hate lunges and squats. Now they are a necessary evil in order to stay healthy. Getting old sucks. :)
