
Thursday, March 26, 2015

It's been a long road

Do you know what this is?

It's a steamroller.

And this is a half-paved street outside of my house! It's finally happening: a road. The paving process will take a few more days, but I think they will actually finish in March!

Speaking of long roads, my hip is progressing along nicely. I had to cancel my final two PT sessions because my PT's schedule changed, and it didn't fit my work schedule. But really, at this point it was just fine-tuning, and most of it I can do at home. I will miss some of the balance equipment, though.

My hip hasn't really been bothering me, for which I'm grateful. I have some stiffness and pain after periods of immobility, and it aches after a running increase (like when I jumped up to 2 miles, it hurt later in the day). It doesn't hurt while walking or running, and feels much better once it is warmed up and stretched. Anytime I notice pain increase from running, I just take a day off, and it feels better in about 24 hours. This isn't really problematic, since I'm doing a lot of alternating days, anyway. I dropped my home PT to just once a day several weeks ago, but try not to skip a session. I had to skip some while traveling simply because of tight quarters and schedules, and I definitely noticed a difference - my leg felt tight and weak.

The Crescent City Classic is in one week, and I think I will survive. I plan to do five miles this weekend to see how I feel. I might actually clean the cobwebs off the old Garmin to get a feel for my pace. I think for 6 miles we're looking at something between nine and ten minutes. THE HORROR. If my hip doesn't kill me, my embarrassment will. 


  1. Ugh, we've had a bunch of construction & underground work in our neighborhood lately that blocks off all the good parking spaces, but in ten years we've only been without an actual street once (and that was only for like 2 days).

    Good luck at your race!!

  2. Ugh, we've had a bunch of construction & underground work in our neighborhood lately that blocks off all the good parking spaces, but in ten years we've only been without an actual street once (and that was only for like 2 days).

    Good luck at your race!!

  3. All good news from your quarter. I'm glad everything is progressing so well.

  4. Don't be too hard on yourself about the pace. Running it slower is better than pushing yourself and risking an injury.. I suggest not wearing a garmin or keeping track of your time because I think you'll just get more frustrated looking down at your speed...

  5. That's good news about the hip! I'm sure your road stinks because it smells like asphalt, but to me that smells like money!

    1. Oh, the sweet, sweet smell of asphalt. At this point I'd use it as perfume if they told me to.

  6. Woohoo, an actual street! Sounds like your hip is better. Good luck on the race, and take it easy if you feel you need to!
