
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cross-fitters are jerks

Last week, I was driving home from a meeting in Metarie, and turned onto my street. At the end of my street is a Cross-Fit "box" (also known as a garage). I'm well aware of this fact, and well aware that the cross fitters often run in the road. They do some sort of short sprint or run, and because they park up on the side of the road, they usually do it in the middle of the street.

I know this, because it's my street, and I drive on it all the time. So I'm always very careful when I pull onto the road.

That afternoon, sure enough, runners were in the road. I held way back from them, inching along well behind until they turned around and could see me, and I passed the group with plenty of room. I did this because -
1. Pedestrians always have the right-of-way!
2. Yeah, they should be on the sidewalk, but I know what New Orleans streets are like. You can't always do that easily.
3. And most importantly - as a runner myself, I am hyper-aware of the safety of other runners.

But despite this, Jackass Crossfitter guy swung around my car and SLAPPED THE BACK OF MY VEHICLE.
Oh, man. I was furious. I mean, it's stupid to try to retaliate when you have an aggressive, rude, unfriendly driver who cuts you off in a crosswalk or something. You have nothing to gain. But you absolutely have nothing to gain by hitting the car that was extremely careful to stay out of your way! I mean, I have a New Orleans Track Club sticker on the back of my car. If anyone is watching out for runners, it's me.

I slammed on the brakes. I opened the door. I did the low-and-deadly, "How. Dare. You. Touch. My. Car." Then I turned my little car around, parked, and marched into the "box" (I've been inside one now! It's just a garage). I demanded the manager, and made him call all his little cross-fitters in and hold an impromptu policy meeting to set out rules and expectations in respect to drivers.

This is why Cross Fit gets a reputation for creating jerks. Because this dude was a jerk.


  1. I could not agree with you more! After doing it for two years, I just couldn't deal with the personalities of the people anymore. Like any group of people, there are good ones and bad ones, but Crossfit tends to attract the overblown it's all about ME types. Good for you for going in and making a scene!

    1. I mean, they're not all jerks. One of my good friends does Cross Fit. But this guy was a jerk ;-)

  2. I would be mad too!!! Especially if you were clearly looking out for them! Rude!

  3. You know why I love your blog? Because I think I know you. I think you're just like my wife, incredibly smart, self-aware, and successful, but a little crazy. Ha. I mean that completely complimentary of course.

    And why did you leave us hanging ... what happened at the meeting? This is the best thing I've read in a while ... because it's so true. In case we all haven't noticed, crossfit guy seems to be meat-head guy from a few years back. Except now instead of simply moving an extreme amount of weight 10" repeatedly from their chest to the rack, they seem to have embraced the concept of adding a little cardio into their workouts. I'm like you, I really don't have anything against them - they're a heck of lot stronger than me, but some of them make me smile. To each their own I guess.

    And as for you ... stay in your car crazy.

    1. I'm definitely going to die in a dark alley confronting someone for breaking the rules.

  4. We have another word for someone like him here in Australia. It sounds like hanker but starts with and W and is one of those words that my mother won't let me use (even though I'm 50).

  5. GOOD FOR YOU!!! That is awesome you went in and said something. How did the guy handle it? I know some really nice cross fitters but unfortunately I know some big jerks too.

  6. You are officially my hero now!

  7. Wow, what a ...that word that Char described. Crossfitter, cyclist, runner, there are all sorts of jerks. I'm most impressed that you went in and demanded a meeting; I'm not a large person and might have been a little scared of going in solo to a garage full of potentially testosterone-fuelled people larger than me. And what was the outcome??

  8. So glad you did something!! I hate people like that!

  9. You always have the best stories lol! If a car almost hits you, then I think it is okay to knock on the car. 2 weeks ago a car almost ran me over in a crosswalk even though he clearly saw me - I didn't have the chance to hit the car though. Curious to hear more about this meeting in next post! Were the members stunned?

  10. I second Amy's comment, you're my hero! I admire your nerve to do that so much!

  11. I am SO SO glad you went inside and said something. I hate reading about stuff like this when the person does nothing. I need closure! Good for you.

  12. Good for you! I hate it when people feel entitled, especially when you went out of your way to work with them, even when they were in the way!
