
Saturday, January 25, 2014

What are you wearing this weekend?

I think I'll revive this weekend post.

For Friday night dinner, I wore:
This is why my husband's not a fashion photographer and I'm not a model. And I bet you're sick of looking at my linoleum. And my floor furnace. And my running shoe box under my desk, secretly my candy stash.

Tank and sweater with collar necklace.
Poufy skirt
Two-tone heels

This is pretty much what I do when Louisiana pulls a fast one on me and I walk out to 34 degree weather (I don't know what's up with the weather this year - we've have two freezes in one year! I live in the Gulf of Mexico!).
I put on my usual warm weather staples for dinner - tank and skirt with big necklace - then put my only long-sleeved cardigan on top and tights underneath! I didn't freeze to death, so - semi-success. Not total success because the high-waisted, full skirt paired with the loose cardigan made my top half look like a box with twig legs sticking out. But at do like camel and robin's egg blue together, so at least the color scheme pleased me.

What are you wearing this weekend?


  1. That's really cute! I especially love that necklace.

  2. Oh, I like that colour combination! Too bad it looks terrible on me. If it were 34 degrees a cardigan would not be nearly enough; I'd need a cardigan, a coat, a scarf... brr.

    Let's see, what am I wearing this weekend - you mean aside from running clothes? ;) A friend did a belated Thanksgiving-in-Singapore celebration yesterday, so I wore a maroon tank and capris; today I'm working so it's a polo shirt and skinny trousers with flats. Bleh.

    1. No, skinnies with flats and a polo isn't bleah at all, sharp!

  3. You're one of my first stops when I actually take time to read blogs. And what do I get today ... this??? This doesn't help me grow as a runner. It only affirms my color-blindness. But since you asked ... jeans and t-shirt, probably a bolo tie and nice vest at some point.

  4. cute! I wore sweatpants and hoodies all weekend. when not running. :)

  5. Love the outfit, and you are gorgeous!

  6. I like those colors too! But I do not pull off the poufy skirt thing well. I wore black pants, fitted , boot leg and too short. With a pair of high heeled boots, also black. A long sleeve Vneck sweater, also black and fitted hip-length, with a goodwill double-breasted , tailored tweed jacket (shorter than sweater) over top, and a non-matching tweed hat with a bow on it.
    What's your assessment?

    1. Anything outfit from the Goodwill automatically gets an A+ from me!

  7. BTW you look great- nice long legs and a big smile :D
