
Thursday, January 16, 2014

I still have this race on Sunday.

I still haven't decided about the Louisiana Marathon on Sunday. 
I eliminated the full option - obviously. Can't do that.
But to run or not to run the half?
Things I'm thinking about, thanks to your suggestions:

1. Pain tolerance: I do not feel a lot of pain. This is not a good thing for a runner.
2. Packet pick-up: A friend volunteered to get it for me. Hmmm.
3. Staying slow: I don't think I have a choice right now. I'm really pretty slow and my endurance sucks. I think I will have to stay slow.
4. Pacing: I don't know if I'm even reliable to pace anyone! Unless it was like, 1:45 or something. No faster. I have put a call out on facebook to see if anyone is looking for a pacer.
5. Racing: Just so you know - this would not be my first race back. That would be the 5 mile Turkey Day race back on Thanksgiving. I wouldn't want my first race back to be any kind of distance race.
6. Recovery: I've been back for about 3 months now.

A couple of detractors think I'll race it, then immediately feel awful. Like when have I done that before?! Oh yeah, RnR NOLA and Crescent City Classic last year. So like, twice in the last year. Heh. Perhaps they have a point.

Raina recommended volunteering: that's what I did last year when I was freshly injured! And it was a great substitute: same race-day excitement, none of the actual work.

I'll decide tomorrow I suppose. I'm leaning toward running since I have packet pick-up taken care of. In the meantime, I'm still running, and rolling, and stretching, and doing myrtles. I got over 40 miles last week, which is more my usual volume, and felt fine-but-not-fine. No pain, but always a little "off" - like something could go wrong in the blink of an eye. I'm trying to prevent that by strength, strength, strength!


  1. Good luck if you run! Be smart, (try to) listen to your body, and try to embrace where you are right now, even if it isn't as speedy as it was in the past. You are moving in the right direction and will get back there!! Hope you enjoy it!

  2. Man, Gracie...I really want to say go for it, but "fine but not fine..." when you've been working and waiting to be healthy for so long...

    I mean, I'd probably run it too, so I can't talk, but yikes.

  3. Please don't think I'm a "detractor" about the race - I'm just a detractable(?) about you. if I thought you were capable of just "yogging" it, you would receive my full endorsement. However, in a weird way you're programmed like a younger, smarter, prettier & somewhat more feminine version of me ... and I WOULD race it! I just think you'll try to bust ass at this thing. Your point #3 makes my point ... you say - "I don't think I have a choice", and "I think I will have to stay slow" - to me that means you "think" there's a chance you won't have to stay slow if you get out there and are feelin' it. My answer remains the same. No. And don't ask me again or I'll ground you from the TV too.

  4. Run it. By the undertones of your posts, that what you want to do. Run without a watch, without a Garmin, and run with a friend. I did that for Disney Half one year, and I ended up having a blast.

  5. Ha, ha--love Jim's comment! Be smart, that's the bottom line.

  6. I do not think you should race it if you are still in any sort of discomfort. I would only jog /run easy the half. It's not worth setting yourself back again. You would be so mad at yourself.

  7. OK I look for easy outs in this kind of situation, But i really don't like a "B" race-.. A "C" race is OK when I have plenty of reason for it. But it might not go in my blog, or I would wear a bib with some fake name on it (I have only done that once! I swear.) .. So here is the thing-- pacing gives you a purpose for going easy. If you have someone under your wing, then there is a good reason for it that you can and WILL justify during the race. I doubt you would abandon that plan if it were in action. But if not, then I say doll yourself up and make it a costume race. :)
