
Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving!
We slept in a little before heading to the very under-attended Thanksgiving Day race, a 5-miler that's usually packed with people. Yesterday's 35F weather at 8:30 definitely turned people away: Ive never seen so few lines at the race. I'm writing about the race separately, but it's my favorite way to start the holiday, and I enjoyed seeing many friends out there (despite the cold, which meant no one stayed at the after-party very long).
Heading to the race. I took the jacket off, but I ran in hat, gloves, tights, and long-sleeved shirt! 
As soon as we got home, I got cooking: I wasn't making much, but because of my arm braces, everything takes me forever so I needed plenty of time. I attempted to roll out pie crust and completely failed (the rolling movement is way too close to a paddling movement and totally aggravating to my injury!), so I ended up making a press-in-the-pan crust instead.
Here's what I brought:

Kale salad: Lots of kale, rice vinegar, sesame oil, toasted sesame seeds, garlic, a little soy sauce. Wilted and massaged a little. Not my favorite salad, but it holds up well for hours of buffet time.

Bruleed whisky-sweet potato pie: Now this one is conglomerate of several recipes I read online, or heard on a public radio bit. I made a crust (making sure it was more of a salty than sweet crust since the filling is very sweet - no cookie crusts), then filled it:

1 large sweet potato, boiled, peeled.
About 3/4 stick of butter, softened
Mash together well, then whisk in:
2 eggs
1 C sugar (scant)
1/2 C milk
1/2 C whisky
1/2 tsp each nutmeg, cardamom, and cinnamon
 Bake for an hour; let cool.
Sprinkle 1/4 C superfine sugar on top (I put granulated sugar in the coffee grinder for a few seconds). Stick under the broiler for a minute or two until top forms a bruleed crust.

If I do say so myself - delicious. And I feel like a very accomplished Yankee for making sweet potato pie.

We spent the rest of the day with David's family, and I snuck my braces off so I wouldn't have to compare injuries with all his elderly aunts. These two poorly-taken pictures are meant to show my perfectly autumnal outfit: wine-colored waxed jeans, dark brown sweater, gold scarf.
Picture from way below

Picture from way above. David insisted on taking pictures in the only warm spot in the house, the stairs!

And my awesome Salvation Army shoes (yes, my toes were cold. Worth it, cutest shoes ever).

We finished the night with a glass of wine and a pretty exciting football game, and now I'm in a line of 7000 people waiting to buy useless crap. Kidding. I'm drinking coffee and getting ready to go to work! Hope everyone working today has an easy day and those who are off enjoy the extended weekend!

1 comment:

  1. You ran the Turkey Trot- woot woot! Now, if we can get your arms better, you will really feel like new.

    Sounds like you guys had a great day; I LOVE your outfit. Scarves are so IN this year. I've been wearing a lot of them, too.

    Happy Thanksgiving! :)
