
Friday, July 19, 2013

2-mile PR on...achy legs!

Home, sweaty, happy with my time!
Well, my calf knot from last week is starting to subside, but I'm still recovering from shin splints. And much to my dismay and anxiety, the achy femurs are back - but controlled with stretching and icing. As in, I stretch and ice: no pain. I forget to do so: mild aching.

So, I stretched and iced, and headed out to the NOTC's free 2-mile summer race tonight. It was much hotter than last time I ran the race: we had lucky cooler weather a few weeks ago, but Wednesday was hot, humid, and sunny. I warmed up with about 2 miles plus two strides in the grass right before the start, just like last time, and prayed that my leg would behave itself.

I tried to get a little closer to the start this time so my time would be more accurate, and I did well: maybe 4 rows back. I got behind two fast-looking girls who I'd seen warming up with their coach earlier. The horn blew, we were off, and I tried to pace myself conservatively. The first half of the course has some shade, so it is an easier mile, but the second half is in the broiling sun and is always tougher. At the mile mark (6:06), I passed first one, then the other girl who had been running with their coach (he was still with the girl in front). Now I was fourth. As we entered the final half mile, I had slowed a lot - we were in a head wind and at one point I saw 6:40 on my Garmin! But I was closing on two ladies. I decided - why not pass? I hate passing people. I feel guilty, and I also risk being re-passed since I have ZERO kick at all at the finish. But a free, casual race like this is the perfect chance to practice! So I passed the first girl. As soon as I saw who it was, I chuckled, "See you again later!" It was Kristie, the same lady who blew by us all to win the bridge race, and I knew she'd pass me with her amazing finish later. The second girl put up a fight. She ran with me. I ran faster. She ran faster! I all-out sprinted and dropped her....but was quite exhausted as I neared the finish. Sure enough, Kristie blew past me with some amazing speed. I finished third female (first was under 11 minutes...couldn't even SEE her in front of me!) in 12:19. That's a new PR!

These races are so much fun: afterward we had hotdogs, fruit, beer, peanuts, and snowballs, and all for free if you're a track member! Hard to beat that deal!


  1. That's awesome! You're so stinking fast. :)

    Those achy femurs may be a blessing in disguise since they keep bringing you back to stretching and icing.

  2. I always line up at the back bc I just expect myself to be slow...I wonder if I should try and move up just a least to try and start pacing myself a little more with runners who are actually in it to race?
    Passing is really scary...but chasing is worse!! ;)

  3. That's so awesome Grace!!! And that's a great time - I don't think I could put up a 12:19 right now. And I also always love your detailed race reports. It kinda gets my blood pumping like I'm in the race - ha! Great description! Good job.

  4. Sounds like a great race, with excellent competition. Im not sure how you PR in this heat, but EXCELLENT

  5. Great job! You seem to be thriving in these hot races. I'd be lucky to just not pass out.

  6. Very nice! PR-ing in July?!! Looks like a speedy fall season is in store for you! :-)

  7. Am I the only one who is freaked out reading this report? You complained about 3 different injuries last post, and the next post you are running a 2 mile race all out?!? Anyways, congrats on the PR, but please keep the fast running to a minimum to allow you to fully recover. And you should never get a coach because he would pretty much want to kill you lol

  8. Nice work! You are so speedy and I am impressed with how fast you bounced back from your injuries. I'm STILL not running. I get to start taking walks this week. Woo hoo. Seeing your return to running makes me a little bit hopeful that I'll be back and better than ever eventually.
