
Monday, June 24, 2013

What else have I been up to?

Besides running, I'm....

Toiling away at work training a new pharmacist. She's...sketchy. Very unsure of herself. I hate to leave her alone.

Listening to live jazz - John Boutte at DBA. His version of Hallelujah is my favorite.

 Trying new restaurants. We tend to go to the same 9 or 10 places in walking distance (I know, I know) over and over again. Our summer goal is to only eat from new places. This week we tried the Milk Bar. It was just average.
This terrible picture is from their Facebook page. You think they'd try turning the light on or something.

Experiencing a clog obsession. One day I woke up and decided that my wardrobe was seriously lacking in the Swedish clog department. Luckily Lotta from Stockholm featured the pair I was eyeing on their "seconds" sale page, and I can't wait for my package. Sadly shipping from Sweden isn't exactly express mail.

Painting sets for my church's VBS. I supervised a herd of 8 through 12 year olds doing backdrops. One of the kids walked through green paint in green crocks and I spent most of the afternoon perplexedly searching for the source of green footprints.

Listening to a beautiful, intimate violin and piano concert and experiencing the sweet, rich strains of the Grand Stradivarius. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to hear this instrument and it was painfully beautiful. The sound and color was so deep it almost evoked woodwinds. For the encore, Fedeli walked through the audience playing a love song as the violin filled the entire theater. We were breathless.

Painting cards for weddings. Everyone I know is either getting married or having a baby!

You can's see, but I used a SLIGHTLY sparkly base paint under all the colors on the shoes.
What are you all up to these days?


  1. Ah Gracie, I love your slice of life here! I think we'd really have fun together if we were to hang out...I would have loved to join you in your experiences hearing live Jazz (beautiful version of Hallelujah) and the way you described the violin and piano concert....Ah, I wish I would have been t here...sounds lovely!! Life sounds like it is really good!

  2. Love those cards you're making! And while I love that version of Hallelujah, my favorite is by Rufus Wainwright!

  3. Coworkers you can't trust on their own are worse than being short-staffed. Way worse having to constantly look over someone else's shoulder.

    Life here is mellow. Running a little, riding a little (mostly as transportation between he and beach), sleeping in...spending tons of time with my 9 yr old. We aren't sick of each other yet, so it must be going ok.

  4. You have been busy... At first I read that as "dog" obsession not "clog" obsession! I was wondering why there was a picture of a shoe! Those are cute shoes btw!

    Very cute cards. I wish I was that crafty. I don't even have a Pinterest account because I know I will never actually get around to making anything (at least not in this phase of my life). Maybe I should be more optimistic...
