
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

AND back to the doctor!

First order of business: I found out that The Advocate ran a picture that includes me in their Crescent City Classic coverage. I found this out when another runner (unknown to me) called it out to me in the park as we passed! Funny. Small world. I love my "park friends" - runners I don't know, but recognize from our morning routines.
That girl in gray beat me :(

Second order of business: Going back to the doctor today. A hamstring tear/strain shouldn't be hurting five months out. Time to fork out serious cash for an MRI or something! So excited. But really, this crap needs to go away.

C'mon, leg, haven't you ever heard of a race calendar?


  1. Good luck at the doc. Injuries suck so bad

  2. I think she's wearing Lululemon shorts. DIEEEEE.

    No but seriously: good luck at the doctor. Hope you learn something definitive and can start working on fixing it.

  3. have you taken a break from all running? hate to say it, but that might be the only way for this to heal..six weeks sounds like a long time, but it can be done. I did it when I had a stress fracture and in the long term, it was the best thing I ever did. I don't know your situation, so I may be off base, but it sounds like you are just circling around these injuries and keep coming back to them which I imagine is super frustrating :(

  4. You look awesome in the photo. But the guy looks like he is running super close to you. Maybe just the angle? Good luck with the Doc. Got my fingers crossed for you!! Kristen

  5. Repeated doctors trips? For real- Ain't nobody got time for that! ;-)

    Seriously, I hope you will get some real answers. I'm having some minor (I hope it's minor) tendonitis issues with my right leg. I hate making it this far in a training cycle and then my body wanting to give out. Ughhhhhh!!! Sorry to vent here. I guess I should do that on my own blog. Anyhow, love the running picture! That's funny how a "park friend" recognized you and told you about it. You must make quite the impression out there! "There's that really fast girl again..." :-)

  6. Ugh, sorry the hammie is still bringing you grief; hopefully the doc will have some answers. NOTHING WORSE than not knowing what you're dealing with. Good luck. And the pic is great! Next time, do a little Nancy Kerrigan on the gray shirt girl! :)

  7. Stupid injuries that won't go away... grrr. Good luck!

    Cool picture!

  8. Why can't our bodies just stay strong and injury free forever! Grrr. I think it takes as much skill/effort to balance the give and take with our workouts/rest/ recovery in order to stay injury free as it does to run a GREAT race and some bad A PRs. So tricky. I'm feeling you girl! I'm feeling you.

  9. I may or may not have told you, I had a case of proximal hamstring tendonitis that started last August. I took a few months off from running in the fall and it didn't get any better. It eventually maaaayyyybe felt a little better around the holidays so I decided to start running and then went to the PT and he had me do strength training hip/core exercises and it's pretty much all better now. So that's almost 9 months? (No way, I could have birthed a baby by now.) I don't know if my injury was ever as bad as yours, it never hurt so badly that I had to stop running.

  10. PS you look good in your photo, love how someone recognized you from it! I've run into approx 5 people over the last year or so around town while running who recognized me from my blog, it was the most random thing in the world because I didn't think anyone in my town really would ever recognize me in real life. Maybe I have a distinctive stride?

  11. Very cool to have the picture in the sorry about the's so frustrating to be limited to do something that is GOOD for us....makes me so mad

  12. Man, that stinks girl, maybe an MRI will find the source. Best wishes on that! You're right, this needs to go away. I've popped up in local papers before too, and I always offer to sign copies of the photo, but no one has asked yet - please reference yesterday's comment about not realizing who I am. Also, pleeeeeeease tell me you beat shirtless guy on YOUR left in the photo. That's hands down my pet peeve with runners. "Dude, I know you 'think' you're really ripped, I mean your lack of ab definition gives that away, but please go find your shirt ... and some age-appropriate shorts too tinker bell". That's all. Oh .... and seriously get that hammie fixed.

  13. That is a cool pic! Bummer about the recurring injury. I know how that feels, and I will likely be getting a MRI on my left knee after tax season - ugh.
