
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

In which my feet drown

In just 15 minutes the street and sidewalks merged into one big puddle. That's my car back there, letting water in the driver's door as usual. 

I've been doing some really easy running lately, trying to keep my muscles and tendons flexible and perfused. This morning I headed out for a quick 4 miler and ran smack into a thunder storm. I got drenched, and my shoes will never be the same, but there is something so beautiful about running in a storm. The sky was filled with rolling black clouds and the river was practically whitecaps.
Signs of an enjoyable rainy run? Soaked clothes laid out on the front porch!

Rain in the forecast: Do you run your schedule, take a rest day, or head indoors?


  1. Well, if it is raining here, that means it is WARM (otherwise, at 6200ft it is snow) so I run. :) I love the pics - your neighborhood looks really cute. Hope the easy running goes well and leads to total healing!!

  2. It depends....I don't mind a mist, not crazy about a storm (because I hate getting my shoes soaked). That said, I got caught in a storm a few weeks ago, and there was something exhilarating about running in the pouring rain.

  3. Running in the rain was not as fun when I lived in a place where it rained alllll the time... but now that I live somewhere with more weather variety, I'm back to loving the occasional rainy/stormy run. Any weather that drives most other people indoors is sort of fun to be out in, at least for that one run, you know?

  4. I'm with you. I really don't mind it and often enjoy it. The dread is always worse than the reality!

  5. I love running in the rain! The perfect running weather for me is a light drizzle, but I also have a blast in storms. I always run near the harbor and the water is gorgeous during a storm. Just makes things exciting and, well, epic!

  6. Looks like crazy weather! I wish I was in NOLA right now for the 49ers super bowl! Go Niners!

    The Superbowl should be held every year in NOLA - they are the best host since everything is within walking distance and in a warm climate, something that no other city host can say. Oh, and they have Pat O'Briens, to me my favorite bar ever =)

  7. It was snowing here this morn with 25mph wind ... opted for the indoor track. Rain is kinda cool every so often in the summer, but watch out for the tornadoes y'all are getting.

  8. I enjoy running in the rain....if only I didn't feel like it ruins my shoes... so I usually avoid it.
