
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Home from Paris!

Thank you for all of your Paris tips - great ideas! We got back in on a delayed flight last night. We weren't home until 12:30 midnight after being awake for over 24 hours, so I'm a little droopy today, but still kind of dreamy about the whole vacation. All the Paris cliches are true: it's romantic, it's beautiful, it's historical, it's awe-inspiring. The only cliche that failed was the "rude Parisian" one - the people were especially polite and attentive.
For today, I'll just do pictures, but I will also post my "What to do" and "What to avoid" lists myself later.
The courtyard of the Louvre

We were blessed with beautiful weather for most of the trip and some amazing sunsets!  David got some great pictures and I acted as his art director. I set up the shot; he sets up the camera!

At the top of the Arc de Triomphe (freezing).

Outside the Arc, watching insane traffic (we saw an accident shortly after this!)

David behind Notre Dame
Outside Versailles

Versailles Gardens

The Grand Palais


  1. Beautiful! Can't wait for the other recaps...I've never been to Paris. At least you get an extra hour today. ;)

  2. So beautiful! I love getting the chance to live through other peoples' experiences. :) So glad you had such a great trip!

  3. How amazing to have a blitz trip to Paris :) Love the photos...really takes me back. Looking very forward to the rest of the report on your trip :)

  4. Ahhh, so jealous! Want to go there so bad. Wonderful!! And you're beautiful as ever.

  5. I LOVE Paris! It was fun to relive through your pics. And I so agree with you--the Parisians are wonderful people.

  6. AMAZING pictures, thanks for sharing.

  7. Stunning, looks like such an amazing trip. I really hope to get back there's been 25 years! Holy crap. I cannot believe it's been that long.

  8. I hope to go back to Paris one day. I forgot how beautiful it is there!

  9. What a beautiful trip! You two look so perfect and gorgeous together! Awake for over 24 hours...AHHHHH!!!

  10. Great pics! Especially the one of the Eiffel Tower at sunset. Gorgeous.

    You probably already follow her, but Morgan recently went to Paris too:

  11. Ahhh! This post makes my heart ache for Paris. I am glad you had great weather when you were there! I miss Paris SO MUCH.
