
Monday, September 10, 2012

Boston registration is coming up!

A few days ago I got an email from the B.A.A. hinting that perhaps I should plunk down some big bucks to try again at the Boston Marathon. Right about that same time they sent a finisher's certificate (straight to recycle bin) and a racer's record book. Clever move, B.A.A. Of course reading the book got me in the mood to race! I have BQ time, so I could register.
Maybe I should. After all...
1. I ran a slow, hot Boston this year. Do I need redemption?
2. A couple of people I know are running it and it would be a fun group. For one of the girls in the Varsity running group, it is her first Boston, and she's been getting faster and faster so I'd love to run it with her.
3. By April I should be over my injury and have time to train for a fast race.
Or not. I mean...
1. I'm injured. Not bright to sign up for a race right now.
2. I promised the running world to stop signing up for every marathon that I read about.
3. Thanks to deferments, there will be some 2000 fewer spots in this race. It's someone else's turn. I'm confident that if I can get healthy I will BQ in the future and can do Boston some other year, but 2013 might be the only chance for others out there for whatever reason.

I'm leaning toward a "no" on this one but I haven't totally shut the door on Boston 2013 yet.
In the meantime I enjoyed reading the record book.

Look at this, first page of female finishers -

There I am! Female #237!

Insane that a 3:24 gets you a top 250 finish in that heat. Insane. In 2011's ideal weather you would have needed a 3:09 to be #239. That's kind of funny because I probably would have run a 3:09 in better conditions. My PR is a 3:06 but since Boston is hilly and my PR is flat I'd add some a few minutes. What I am trying to say in a convoluted way is that the heat is a great equalizer - slows us all the same.

I love and adore going through the numbers like this. I miss it since being injured. I can't wait to race again!
Who is planning to register for Boston this year? What week do you register?


  1. Register!'s still months away. I checked and I can register on 9.17...I really hope I can get in.

  2. Good luck with your decision!! Tough one! I went back and forth, back and forth about registering and finally decided "no" for 2013. Some relief in just making the decision! Boston is a super cool experience. I've done it, I will do it again at some point!! Provided my luck doesn't change it's not a once in a lifetime opportunity though....2014 for me maybe! Heal up and you will be primed to break your PR, even on that course, in better conditions!!!!

  3. Tough decision! You could maybe register and then let it ride and see how things are going as it gets closer. Then again, there's that $100-plus you don't get back!

    I am waiting a few years before I go back--my friends and I all like to do it together and we all agree that it's such an ordeal to go to boston that we'd rather not do it every year.

  4. Good luck with your decision - I can't say what I would do. On one hand, it's a good year to bow out given your injury. And you know there will always be other years since you will always finish with a BQ time...

  5. I would love to do it, just to have done it. I have a BQ time, but I cant wrap my mind around registering for another big marathon before having completed the big marathon I'm training for! It may sound crazy, but I think it will mess with my head too much to have another one in the timeline before completing this one. It will stress me out and I want to go into NYC with as little mental stress as possible! I will do it, one year, just not next year:) good luck deciding:)

  6. Do it!! You did so well last year with the most insane heat. Imagine what 2013 will hold! You won't regret it. Plus, I'll hopefully be there! C'mon.... peer pressure!

  7. I can safely say this will never be a dilemma for me, and I'm ok with that. :) You have good reasons for and against. I'd probably lean towards against, but man it'd be hard to end up healthy and hearing about/facebook watching everybody else preparing.

  8. ooooooh register!! I would love to hang out in Boston with you! And I am believing you will be healed and kicking serious butt by April. :)

  9. Yeah I think I was on the last page in the book the year I ran... Haha.

    I vote no... For a number of reasons you mentioned - namely the injured status, you've already run it, and you can requalify. (I have no doubts in that). But I also personally am in no rush to re-run it and that may be factoring into my opinion too.

    Regardless, you'll def qualify and run it again whether in '13 or '14 or whatever.

  10. I say do it. Life is short. You never know what can happen. that way no regrets. I believe you will be healed from this injury by then.

  11. I think you should wait to get better and then qualify again and run it in good form and run that 3:09!! Of course, I am biased, since I am signing up on the 14th and am afraid that with the deferments, I may not get in.

  12. SO?????????????????????????? what was the verdict? did I miss it?
