
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hurricane Isaac

I'm at work today after closing at noon Tuesday to go home and prep for the storm. Isaac was what I expected, only more so: category 1 wind and rain, but lots of rain: the storm moved so slowly we've been soaked for almost two days. Ugh. New Orleans is fine, but some outlying parishes are in trouble. A locally-made and incomplete levee in Plaquemines Parish breached, badly flooding a neighborhood (which was under mandatory evacuation), and I'm just hearing that a dam on the Tangipahoa River is expected to fail in Mississippi, which could be a huge problem in the areas along the river. Other areas with flooding include those where the levees overtopped (only slight, and unfortunately a product of the excessive rain), along the north of the lake, and places with poor drainage.

My work never lost power, but our house has been without power since Tuesday night. Last night when the gusts died down we drove to David's parents' house. Their neighborhood has underground wiring and never lost power. I reopened my store today but we are pretty quiet! The hospital is still on lock-down so there just isn't much business.

David's work was cancelled for the rest of the week, and he is at home salvaging frozen foods (we already had an emergency ice-cream eating session). We expect to be out of power for another day at least given the widespread outages, but we're lucky to have family with power. Sleeping with AC is the best!


  1. Good luck with the storm...hope everything holds together!

  2. Glad to hear you all are okay but how devastating for those families that are really impacted by the flooding. I hope it moves through quickly and that no other damage is sustained. Happy to hear you have family that can help you out. :)

  3. So glad you are safe! Isaac was worse than anyone expected. :-( Hope your power comes back on soon!

  4. Glad you are ok. The wind and rain is just now hitting our area (central AR). Maybe we'll need to have an emergency ice cream eating session... :-)

  5. Glad to hear everything is OK. Here in Baton Rouge I have been without power since yesterday morning and am taking advantage of WiFi at an open coffee shop. There are still some stoplights at major intersections out and people here don't seem to know how to handle it, which is always the case. Very saddened by the bad flooding in Plaquemines Parish, LaPlace, Slidell... hate these hurricanes! I'm very glad New Orleans as a whole is OK.

  6. I am really glad you are safe. I have a dear friend who lives in Biloxi and weathered the hell that was Katrina as a single mom with a 5-month old. I felt so protectively maternal of her during that. Hurricanes really scare me. Again, I am SO glad you are alright.

  7. Glad you are safe! Mississippi and Plaquemines really took the brunt of the storm... The flooding is unbelievable.

  8. oh I am happy you are safe..I saw the is terrible and so sad
