
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Should I risk it?

Today it's been two weeks since I saw a PT and almost three since I stopped running. I have a three-week appointment with my PT for next Wednesday, but I was told to give running a try today, after two weeks of strengthening exercises.

May need to buy this shirt
I'd love to go running, but I'm hesitant.
Truthfully, time-consuming strengthening exercises aside, I still feel pain at rest. And I'm embarrassed to admit that after Sunday night's break-neck speed airport sprint, the pelvic area throbbed. Not a good sign.

I'm considering holding off and giving it another week, at least until I see the PT; I might need to get a little more aggressive and do more ultrasound to promote healing - or even ask for phonoporesis. That's steroid cream applied to the area with ultrasound: The ultrasound allows the cream to penetrate down to the bone (depending on the location of the bone, but the pubic symphysis is basically right under the skin so it would work). There isn't a lot of sound data behind phonophoresis, so if I had insurance it wouldn't pay for it, but I'd try it anyway. And my insurance is total crap so I'm paying out of pocket regardless.

On a totally unrelated note, a house up the street I have always thought was adorably charming is for sale. Despite uptown New Orleans' prices, it may be in our price range! If I DO go running, it's going to be past that house to sneak a few peeks!

Vote: Short run or stay home and behave?


  1. I think pain at rest and after your airport sprint is probably a sign to hold off. But if you really want to, maybe plan a super short run (like 2 or 3 miles) and commit to walking at the first sign of trouble?

  2. I always vote on the side of caution. I think it's better to take the medicine in one gulp and get healed then get into a cycle of back and forth with running/not running.

    Good luck with the house!

  3. I saw that you ran on Daily Mile. You know, sometimes it just takes a while... When I injure myself, I go all out. Usually takes 6 weeks before I am back to normal. I hope you turn the corner soon!

  4. I would go out super slow and easy... even half a mile (and ready to turn around if things don't feel good at half a mile) or just walk if things are off. For me, sometimes things loosen up and feel better as I go and easy running is the only way for me to really judge how my body is doing. But if you do, keep it slow and easy (and short!) :) Hope things are ok and heal quickly!! Hugs!

  5. hmmmmm I might be too late...I vote for try it SLOW...
    did you do that? hope it went ok

  6. I'd err on the side of caution and stay off it a bit longer... Or if you do run, go SUPER slow, but I don't know if that is even possible for you!!!

  7. I think if you have any inkling not to go....don't go! I delayed my injury for months out of stubbornness. NEVER again will I do that. Let your body heal and it will thank you. Hope all the best for you!

  8. Ok I can't keep all the injuries in the running blog world straight, but the way that you describe the way that your hip reminds me A LOT of the pain that I had when I had a stress fracture in my inferior pubic ramus...have you looked into it being a stress fracture yet?

  9. Hmmmm. My first thought was to say, Rest but then who am I kidding? I'm the one who has been running (actually racing) for the past few months with patellar tendonitis. SO, I guess I can only say that you are the best judge of how injured you are. In my own case, since I have kept running I know that has delayed the healing process. I am now slowing WAY down and hope my body gets the rest it needs. By slowing down I mean- I'm now swimming. My PT said I should just run once a week for a few weeks so that's where I'm at. My advise would be to rest, get better so you can be racing this fall and winter. If you have to take time off, this is the best time (in my opinion).

    As far as the house for sale- check it out!! Even if it's just to go and rule it out. You may always wonder "what if" so now's your chance! Who knows- it may be perfect!

  10. Definitely give it another week. Osteitis pubis can be tricky to heal (we have a lot of soccer players over here that get it because the ground is hard) and if you're still hurting when you're not running it's a good sign that all's not right.

  11. Pain at rest...damn. I have that often, too. I hope you sat things out. It is beyond frustrating to be injured...believe me, I know. I'll bet you're like me, though, and would like to be running in the future for a good long time. So let's make a pact...

  12. Behave. I know I am probably too late and you already did it, but I wouldn't chance it. I know that probably goes against what you want...

  13. i probably would have gone... i'm stubborn.
