
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fueled for life!

I won wonderful stuff from the fastest blogger I know.

Here is all the stuff:

Minus the protein bar that tasted like a Little Debbie that I already ate.
Can't wait to try Gu chocolate raspberry!
Thanks, RoseRunner!


  1. Chocolate raspberry GU!? My god, I must be living under a rock to have missed that flavor :)

  2. I should have included a note, but I am lazy. Here is my belated note:

    The white chocolate macadamia Luna bar and that Little Debbie bar (was that a peanut buttery protein bar?) are my favorite bars, and I'm not a bar person. Also, I sacrificed my two very favorite See's lollipops out of the goodness of my heart. Those tubes of powders are just filler -- GNC gives me freebies every time I walk in there.

    Now go caffeinate!

  3. What a great haul! Time to run another marathon eh? It's been kind of awhile since your last ... ;)

    I have found that protein bars either taste like chalk or a candy bar.

  4. What a great little win! And who is this blogger so that I can add another blog that I must read to my list?!:-)

  5. What a great gift! I will have to check out this fast blogger... :-)

  6. Awesome that you got all that from Roserunner!
